Official “Dumbest Fails On The Internet #39 | FAILS OF THE WEEK 2016” video by comedian Alonzo Lerone.
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Alonzo Lerone Bio:
Welcome to the official YouTube channel of comedian/entertainer Alonzo Lerone. Looking for comedy, or just a good laugh? You’re in luck! On this channel, you’ll find a variety of fail compilations showcasing the internet’s funniest and dumbest fails curated by Alonzo Lerone from Twitter, Facebook, advertisements, and much more.
I really love u… Keep doing ur thang.. u make me laugh soooo hard!!!!! I'd love to meet u one day.
Mothfuck took me out
I hope he noticed the tv remote was sold
4:18 I hope that person was not talking about Vegan Gains that vegan youtuber…
For the dad, one is he saying that his dad left?
Why the hell would you send out a tweet asking what continent is Europe in when you could just ask Google. you know, the search engine that can almost answer anything for you when it comes to basic information.
Who ever as chatted shot about me come say it to my f*ck face ????????????????????
the one you didn't understand about people asking stupid stuff like your getting big aren't you,.. is Scottish.. probably why you didn't understand the dialect. It's actually funny!
little help for future pronunciations of Edinburgh it's said " edd in buh ruh" i spelt that out phonetically to help you read and say it correctly in future hope this helps you out alonzo ^^
She meant Senegalese not single leaves
4:15 looks like GradeAUnderA isn't the only one that hates VeganGains
Ungrapefruit bitches!!??????
How has no one noticed that the remote at 4:43 was sold!
The nasty bitch line was hilarious ??????
Don't know what single leaves are? LEAF. Love this guy but goddammit he's also pretty illiterate ?????
the cone of shame
Omg when you said son of a bitch you sounded like Vince McMahon
4:11 got me dead
0:39 the head swing ????????? ROFL
I fell out when I read "raft of God" ????
That second tweet was an Irish one I’m pretty sure
EDIT: it was Scottish
when he said "MOTHFUCK"…lemme tell you, my milk came out of my nose y'all lmfao
Omg kash??
when they said they want to see michael jackson live but they cant cause mj is dead duh
The 4th person is just Scottish. Scottish slang can be awfully hard to understand if you have never seen it in text form before. That was really pretty standard!
My ga just got told
Looking at Kash… ???? Aww but he is super cute! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Lol please give these people a fucking dictionary.
I don't know if anyone else has translated this (and I know I am very late to the party) but the baby comment for anyone in the US to understand easier is this: "Why do people ask babies stupid ** like "You're getting big aren't you?" as if the small ** is going to say "Yes Moira, you're spot on, I'm on the protein" (I am from North Carolina)