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Burmese pythons have an established permanent breeding population in South Florida and belong to the “new” apex predators of the Everglades today. Top predators like the american alligators prey regularly on all kinds of reptiles, including pythons. An adult alligator will have little trouble to overpower, kill and eat any juvenile and in some cases even an adult constrictor.
A fully grown Burmese Python can reach over twenty feet in lengths and becomes extremely dangerous prey item for most crocodilians. These large constrictors have not much to fear and will feed on most animals they come across (including alligators) when hungry. Pythons are non venomous snakes and kill by constricting their prey, wrapping its body around in a thigh coil until the animals dies of suffocation within a few minuets. The prey will be swallowed mostly head first and whole. This process can take considerable time during which the snake is vulnerable to attacks from other predators. Confrontations between pythons and alligator have been recorded during the last years but still, very little is know on the outcome of such “fights”. The fact is that invasive species like the burmese pythons are a part of the Everglades today and it is up to everyone to find out as much as possible and use the newly gain knowledge to keep the python population in check. Alligator attacks python filmed by Heiko Kiera aka Ojatro near the Everglades in 2013.
see you later alligator
3:21 hicc
Oh, My Dog…What a horrific way to die! The Gators back legs were still struggling to get free when two-thirds of him were belly deep inside Hissing Syd! Thanks, Ojatro. Your videos are amazing! Gonna have to watch "Anaconda" the movie now just to see John Voight get crushed and eaten.
Imagine you walk outside and see this on the grass….
they both out same type fam so they both do death roll snake use it to get MUSCLE round u brake bones and suffercate prey
When she says she can suck u uo
A infant crocodile. Wish the mother came along.
I lick this vidios
Lol just call out your stand
Wasn’t there another python who made the mistake of trying this tail first.. and they essentially ended up eating each other at the same time?
juvenile gator.
Zinda kse pachega
saap gu khae
Nice video! But I wonder how these crocodiles grow up larger than I expected. Check this video
https://ckk.ai/Top10Crocs – Top 10 World's largest crocs
Ate him alive
Taste to pta hi nahi chsl paa raha hoga
Dios es la única solución a nuestros problemas, clama a Dios y el te responderá y te enseñara cosas grandes y ocultas que no conoces.
الله هو الحل الوحيد لمشاكلنا ، فصرخ إلى الله وسوف يستجيب ويعلمك أشياء عظيمة ومخفية لا تعرفها.
Wat just happened…
Ko bisa sieee
no fake : dragon-like animals
по башке ей бы уебать ломиком
That's fantastic
Phil may hay qua
Python was hungry
That gator wasn't fully grown yet
Who else wants to shoot the snake so that the baby alligator can live the rest of its live? Is it just me or am I a monster?
Me: Casually scrolls down youtube recommendations
Oooo Teri
Whaaa I saw it eye it got a line eye
This didn’t happen Their both paid actors
Live soccer
Python or Anaconda
Who is bigger, Dangerous etc ???
Mmpus kau buaya
must have been a painful shit after that
poor baby gator..if i saw that after enjoying its big meal i will shoot that python.
Good now kill it!!!
I would of chopped that snakes head off with a machete! I hope you did ojatro! And I'm not a snake hater but a invasive species hater! Think of the indigenous animals that thing gourges on to survive. I really hope you killed it.
I'd make a whole outfit outta both of em !