A half-hour of the best internet videos about animal fights, bears, cats and roombas, and sledding fails.
Viral Video Film School is a recurring segment on the weekly television show infoMania. In each episode of VVFS, Professor Brett Erlich teaches you valuable skills in the discipline of Viral Video making. So sit down, take notes, and try not to piss him off. For more Brett visit http://current.com/viral-video-film-school-im/ and Current TV
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2018 wow
Whenever life gets too serious!! lol I want more obviously but reruns are good!
Absolutely terrible video. Your running comments are annoying!
"would any of you like to proof read my novel"?
Who's watching in 2020?
Who's watching in 2017?
Whos watching in 2016?
reduce your talking and will be a great video…try a talking contest I bet you win
So you more like
<—– ?
zebra? he says it weird lol
I'm watching this for Rowanda
throw smetal at nature
i feel bad for mark..
no me gusta shubbery
none of these xxxxing videos is xxxxing viral so why the xxxx would i xxxxing want to pay attention to these xxxxing lessons?
WHOOO! 150,000th view!
That is the coolest fish tank ever
i miss brett…
Is this Jim's (from "The Office") brother?
it was made for T.V. There would have been around 8 minutes of commercials.
the same one where an hour is 44 minutes
It aired on TV with commercials.
In which dimension is half an hour 22 minutes?
lion or zebra…. LION!!
woah you have a lot of lions on you…
lol Stupid bears!
You have forever changed the way I look at snowmen, Why do they wear scarves?
Bullshit!you talk too much!
in the description…isnt it "reoccuring" not "recurring?"