Just Wait! Near death moments are ahead and We got an amazing compilation of the ultimate close call fails ever shoots from GoPro (so far!) 2018. We’ve got a crazy driver who almost front of death, a racing car nearly crashing, wall failing down, flash just fall next to ship, a man survived from bike crash, a boy just flip jump on head on wall, lion try to eat man’s hand, the truck stopped front of car and almost crashed, tree branch fails on man to just inch away, man slept in water, boy fail flip jump on roof and weightlifter stops his weight on just half inch.
These fails will be sure to make you jump out of your seat! Have a video of your own? Send it to us at http://bit.ly/FailsMarkSubmitFile
#closecall #closefails #neardeath #GoPro
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Compilation Of Two-Wheel Motorcycle And Bike Fails 2018
FailsMark is the world’s largest source for epic fail videos and ultimate compilations. We’re powered by fan submissions, feedback from and social media collection all around the world, with over million of fans across digital platforms!
Which is your favorite Fail in this video? Stay tuned for more funny and ultimate fails compilation.
0:20 wow there was actually a scene in final destination where a car hits the audience but people die lol
The one with the darts and the hanf
…the thumb nail is so click bait. It’s not even the same person
Great content!! Not a bunch of stuff everyone post! My fav has to be the dad @4:09
4:30 Um, I'm hoping that's all goes well after that, I was expecting it to jump onto the boat
0:55 cześ Polsko 😀
Let's see…what shall I wear for a motorcycle ride? I know: short skirt. Because I would rather look good than be safe.