Rescued Street Dog – Unbelievable Transformation
You can keep up with Hercules on Instagram: https://thedo.do/hercules
Special thanks to Pia for sharing Hercules’ story with us!
Other Sources:
BoredPanda: http://www.boredpanda.com
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/eldad75
Gymnopedie No 1 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100787
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Copyright issues and other stuff, please contact us by email at dogrescuetm@gmail.com. We are always willing to discuss, and willing to take necessary action as soon as possible. Thanks.
I’m a normal guy, whenever I watch a rescued dog video, I cry
This is my dream job when I’m older to rescue dogs and other animals like that
Beautiful story
When the dog transformed, he looked smaller?
Why would anyone thumbs down a rescue of a any animal, Humans are animals as well.
Nooo! I am not crying,you are crying???
Increible. God Bless your beautiful soul…
Dear Jesus I am trying to type my words of pain seeing one of your gifts TREATED this way. My tears blind me my heart aches my
love for you grows each time I see a MIRICAL of life GRANTED a second chance at life. THANK YOU OH LORD HEAR MY PAIN
Omg the dog want to speak so badly!
i thought the thumbnail was clickbait but thankyou for not giving up on him
Qué hermoso y feliz bebé emergió cuando dejó atrás el sufrimiento y el abandono
Familia de gatos! Espero que Hércules de haya acostumbrado a sus hermanos felinos.
Gracias por tanto!!!!
I'm speechless, I felt so broken..
At the end of the day its still a dog. TRAIN YOUR DOGS PPL! Untrained dogs are becoming like the plague, and then they end up in shelters because of dumbass owners.
People have no soul doing this to animals and abandoning em ?
hallelujah wd you are a true champion
who the actual fuck are the 1.3 k people who disliked…. WHO THE FUCK!!!
I'd shit my pants if I saw that in the street. I'd think it was a goblin.
That being said, it's even more amazing that instead of being disgusted and running away this lady took him in and nursed him back health. She truly has a heart of gold
Como te atreves a decirle rata de alcantarilla y tu basuraaaa fresca esta gente busca cualquier persona para dar los animales en adopción no estudian a la bestia digo persona y todo por grabar un video para el canal para obtener suscriptores.
thats not the same fucking dog, liars
I cried respect to u god bless u I wish the best for u
Good action !?
Oww my god …. So sad!!! # i love the fact u made him realize he had to keep fighting
The people who disliked this video probably pressed the wrong button because their tears blurred their vision
I cry to ?????
????God bless
woahh very nice you did great
Its a same dog?? Wow you'll doing amazing…
Omg it was so cute when he was so happy when she saw her and she dropped her bags to play with him

I cried so much in this video
I don't believe it's the same dog, cus the first one was big enough even in it's dieing state that's just looks to me as a different exited to see it's owner
OMG ? poor little dog ?. His transformation is amazing. I'm glad he found his forever loving home ?.
That's a very nice video. And good hearted person. Salute.
Awww what a lovely story ? people like you are my heroes ?
What a pretty dog
Dios miooo no se puede creere gracias sra. Por mostrar tanto amor!
You're a kind-hearted women
I was in tears watching this
That dog seriously looks 100% like a different dog… like I’m actually wondering if she just got a puppy for the after ?????
She kept him, that’s truly heartwarming and amazing?

Take good care of the dog pls
Saving one animal definitely won’t change the world but it will change the world for that animal
I wish I could rescue dogs like her! ?