Stupid Drivers vs Police ? Instant Justice POLICE, High Speed Chases & Driving Fails #27 – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
Приятного просмотра, будьте аккуратней на дороге!
Bless for these cops for saving the victims of who might get injured of these stupid drivers.
7:30 -Poor sign… It just wanted to live its daily life
How many police cars do you need behind you before you begin thinking that maybe, just maybe, you should pullover?
One. The answer is one police car.
Another thug bites the dust.
7:24 wth
Kick their fucking ass
Cops still can't get it right ! ! ! Why shoot ? Just hand him a speeding ticket and leave ! ! !
Great video
Love a happy ending.
European police cars crack me up
Make it easy on yourself ram the bike
How coincidental is the first one?
Driving ability upgraded to level 3
I never understood why people run from the cops. There is this saying that truly does resonate with my very core, "man up and take your punishment because you f**ked up." An extra hour of freedom in not worth an additional ten years behind bars, and certainly not worth an innocent life lost. Man up guys, man up!
Got YA! Open fire on that stupid fucker in the car. Good Riddance!
Last clip when 25 fat'n lazy brave cops empty their guns into one single driver. I'm really inpressed of the police work…. really….
20 police officers shots at one time they trying to kill him
triggers me I can't watch the juicy parts of the video as it was cut out
11:17 I'm thinking he broke a control arm. Can't imagine the torque it's putting on the rest of the rear suspension every time he brakes or accelerates.
Whoa how many cops does it take to shoot one dude? A little excessive but I thought the cop with the dashcam had funny commentary. Was he talking to a k-9 or an actual person? "Good boy" I kept hearing lol
Why didn't they just FALL BACK and NOT endanger ALL those lives?
recorded by patato
Mental illness predominates here!!
U sure ended that video with a bang! Haha….
Stopped watching at the European keystone cops..hope no one fights back.
Who do these morons think they're running from? THEY HAVE YOUR TAG ###
I need a friend like you