These young people from Gaza are taking parkour and freerunning to extreme heights! They perform various amazing tricks and flips, fearlessly jumping from building to building and running across rooftops!
Thanks to Gaza Parkour And Free Running for the video.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gaza.PKT/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV0CKWM_5sRqdaKPd149Gzw
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1:27 GG
One of coolest fucking places and more suitable for free running ever…plus this guys are good as hell
wow at 0.32 very it's so high
much respect for this channel for reaviling heroes
i love this channel
love you gaza
GOT IT!!! The song is calles Titanosaurus: https://open.spotify.com/album/1VjeqjdtoXzy9LenpDdnmu
I thought it would be extreme but it's not
Now just imagine if these guys were a police swat team…
hahahaha, OMG, that last stunt is too close for comfort. Dude almost break his neck :O
day crazy
this is what they do when they aint being bombed lol
I have a video of 13 year old me backflipping off of 3meters, am i cool aswell now?
some of these is not in Gaza
song: Titanosaurus (album: Man vs. Machine) – Warner Chappel production
Arab parkour
RIP last guys face
nice video, but some of these clips are actually from Sweden
I'm here for the comments…
So wait….. This channel is basically Failarmy without the fail part right ?
These are the type of people that will survive a zombie apocalypse…
big up…
rip guy at the end
жалко ребят
00:39 .. Gaza? 4real?
This video deserves way more views!
song name? amazing vid, so cool
yea fuck israel
yea fuck israel
Пацан из последнего видео мне кажется больше паркуром не занимается. Совсем.
and u didn't get bombed by Israel man ur lucky
The last wasnt a win we didnt land he faceplanted
00:40 that is in Sweden, I can reas the sign of the Biggest bank in My country in the background
Can you make a behind the scenes video
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Parkour in gaza haa! what a joke almost hlf of the footage is not even from Gaza… bruuv
So I just learned you guys are just as bad as The Fine Bros…. I see.
Oy vey!
omg very Nice ! free palestina ! from switzerland