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In San Jacinto County a woman’s house is in a state of decay and threatening to collapse after becoming overrun with more than sixty cats. Many of them are sick and the Houston SPCA is called in to carry out a rescue on a huge scale. Once on the scene the team discovers a litter of newborns hidden under a bed. They’re in poor shape and it’s a race against time to get them back to the shelter. In Houston, Investigator Shawna Sundberg has to take immediate action when she stumbles upon a family of dogs in desperate need of medical care while in Liberty County Investigator Debbie Michielson gets more than she bargained for when she arrives at a trailer park to discover newborn puppies hidden in a disused shed.
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God bless every single one of these people
Pedro was a perfect name for him?
think it could have been really cool f the daughter could have volunteered with spca, bcuz she would have been able to be around animals, and learn how to properly care for them
I admire these animal officers. I would end up trying to fight the first animal abuser I came across.
Why can't CP A be as good? What if we supported CPA like animal cops?
This is y u spay and nuter ur animals
31:30 did they just leave that one dog?
She must’ve had a pretty bad relationship with her parents in order to not see them for 5 years… I couldn’t go ONE year without seeing my parents .
That cat hoarder house was disgusting, absolutely no excuse what so ever for the cruelty of keeping cats in those conditions.
shoulda called charlie kelly. he knows about the interdimensional properties of cats.
that's not a agreement, that's pure blackmail, I understand, but don't call it an agreement
Does anyone know what sort of dog breed Bella is? She looks like a chihuahua mix of sorts.
I feel like so many more of those animals could have been saved with simple veterinary care. I wish they pushed harder on the abusive and neglectful owners to pay expenses so they could afford to save more. The episode where those two beautiful malamutes died, the momma and the baby, and the guy straight up LIED about the dogs’ vet papers and gave them the papers for the two puppies he had already sold, AND he had lied about how long they had been dead…and he just left them lying there dead in the sun while he went to work. Ou I want that guy to pay for his vet bills for the dad dog. He said he can’t afford it, but he just sold two malamute puppies the day before so I’m pretty sure he could afford it?
It seems like they always waive fees in exchange for them giving up rights to the animal…but usually it seems pretty clear to me they had a case to take away the owner’s rights anyway. Maybe they’re trying to avoid more court time expenses? Idk. But in some cases it’s pretty clear they could pay it if they wanted to.
I worked for an animal shelter in California. It causes me such heartbreak to watching this show. I suffered the equivalent of a nervous breakdown dealing with the stress of working there. People need to understand how hard these situations can be not only on the animals but on the people involved as well. I wish I could work in a shelter situation again but that is not a option. It just causes too much pain and mental anguish for me. I love animals and am working to get well. I’m currently loved by a Basenji dog named Abby.
everyday they save life's so they can have forever.
I still dont get why some individuals get animals and completely disregard it. Buy a chiapet instead or sea monkeys
I can understand the woman with the cats has a big heart….but her daughter is right…..if you are going to keep animals, you have a duty to take care of them. The daughter absolutely did the right thing calling for help. And what I always wonder about people I see on this show who hoard all these animals is, yes, the ANIMALS are getting a second chance at a new life but what happens to the people? That house is RUINED. And if its NOT condemned, it will probably take thousands of dollars to restore that house to where it can be lived in safely.
The fact of how sad the girl was because she couldn't have her dogs made me so mad a her mother for not taking better care of them
Sometimes I have to rewind the last 10 seconds when I'm watching these videos to make sure I heard right when they say "We removed 63 animals from the premises…" like you removed HOW MANY??????
People who think that keeping an animal inside a cage it's entire life is the best for them have an IQ of 40
My favorite part is seeing the abandoned animals have a brand new home and a loving family.
Out of all the animals "rescued," they sure weren't able to save very many. All of those cats and they saved a few kittens, their mom, and ONE adult cat? Out of all the dogs, they were only able to save one puppy, his mom, and ONE adult dog? This is why rescues need more funding and more space. And why people who mistreat animals need swifter, harsher punishments!
16:31 is he the big guy in the middle of the older intros?!? He lost so much weight! I recognize his face. His neck is so skinny now ?
3:27 if she had such a “big heart” why didn’t you go and visit your own mother for 5 years???? Who doesn’t go to their mother house for 5 years if there isn’t some serious problems in the family??
Found this show today, but I am shocked at how many animals are mistreated, not taken care of, it's horrendous! Thank God for these dedicated people rescuing them! Poor volunteers need respirators! And giving them 2-5 days to correct the problems is a waste of time!
Omg the lady with Max (Bruno)… such a sweet soul ?
i agree the dogs needed to be removed but "anti-social" behavior is not grounds for neglect , My cat is Extremely "anti-social" to anyone whom is not me and will run away from them yet he is not neglected I spend at least an hour playing with him each day and he naps on top of me for several hours
I hate it when people want to show a little sympathy to someone who did something horrible just because they see tears??
Aww so cute