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No it was a triple for Sniper. You can clearly here his taunts after killing them
I've seen way too many ruptures on creeps… mostly it's my teammates tho…
4:00 side fail: Void tries hard to stay out of Chrono…
2:28 the NP's name is "are you ok son?" xD
This is why i always buy phase boots regardless the hero (except tinker that is)
I think the first pudge who hooked his teammate was trying to bring him close so omnislash wouldn't kill him.
In the bloopers "satan" sounds exactly like Dr Claw.
i always have a tango just for those reason XD
i don't know, how can their be dislikes to such videos XD
The pudge at the start hooked his minimap thus hooking the guy behind him.
It's actually pronounced as Yong-soh. x-)
so many fails including pudge XD
Haha void didnt know his ult at 4:10 rubick stole his ult and he didnt go inside but he waited because he thought that it would stop him lol
Great bloopers! and the ppl that don't like them can just skip them…
What song does Reaves murmur at 2:37?
i dont get how people dont like the bloopers, but i guess its just opinion
Какого хера нельзя пропускать рекламу длиною в 30 секунд =С То есть если я буду смотреть скетч длиной в 15 секунд, меня ждет реклама в 2 раза длиннее??!
Muito bom o Canal!!!!
A bit of One Piece in this vid as well- Clinkz username-Gol D. Roger
Tidehunter username-Kuro 😀
great bloopers dont remove it. haters can just stop listening, dumbasses dont know how to do that?
Sunsfan: Who uses a wave on roshan?
Me: I do.
that tide 😀
meowcow its dendi 🙁 thats not joke …
I want the bloopers back : (
I don't understand why people couldn't just stop watching before the bloopers, it's at the bloody end for a reason
But you kind of seemed like a tard for saying that.
Sorry for calling you a tard.
Forgive me please, i was new to dota when i posted that comment, I've removed it. it was from like 5 months ago lol 😛
Creep Voice already existed in these old videos of fails of the week 😀