These Amazing Footages Will Show You The 7 Times ANIMALS SAVING HUMANS Caught On Camera.
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Dog Disarms Robber:
Tara “The Hero Cat”
Dog Helped Firefighters:
The Lioness saved the zookeeper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoO4IQwYw54
Binti Jua the gorilla:
Elephant saved The staff member: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVceZEfAsTc
The Urban Gorilla:
Thanks To Creative Commons, Wikimedia Commons, Enchanted Media, Videezy, Motion Array And Others.
What did humans do to deserve animals???
we humans could learn from these so called animals who are far better than us
cat karate kicks dog
mom checks on kid and leaves
Cat:*runs after her* what are you doing Karen!!
"Luckily the owner suffered minor burns" You're sick dude how is that lucky? Next time add a "only" in there
Isn’t that pig superhero not amazing? Saving baby deer drowning in water. These vids cure depression really
obviously the lion was not just being playfull but it says that the lion was "brutally attacking and trying to kill" that guy and I dont think it was trying to kill him. Killing an unarmed humans isnt something that a lion would have to try very hard to do, if it wanted to kill him it would have killed him….
Who else got Harambe vibes at #7 ?
Now animals are not illegal
Why did the mom at the end run away without her kid?
Having humanity than humans
I like the emotion from the video. But the comments at the bottom of the screen, block the video.
4:35 espero que no le halla disparado al perro!!!
That cat went the eye of the tiger on that fucking dog.
"Luckily the owner suffered minor burns"
Might have worded that a bit differently.
Bad vidoee
The lioness is me when I take my husband to the bar. Keep his ass in check
This was so beautiful an they say GOD is not real an animals stupid well there wrong
and here i am my cat trying to kill me
The gun wasn’t loaded ?
The musics a bit much still like the vid though I loved it
Hi, We have commercials saying Human kindness. This is Animal Kindness…..Except the lion & the dog???✌❤,Sheryl
Thats cat the best of figther kumpu ??
Humans don’t deserve animals
Everyone doing jokes, but seriously HUAMANS!!!! Start to save the ANIMALS! How FUCKING gross or beautiful they are SAVE THEM! Okay, not if they can kill you but TRY! As you can see they CARE about us! LETS GIVE THEM CARE TOO!
What’s with kids falling into gorilla pits? ???♀️
What's with the lady leaving the kid still wrapped around the trike after the kid was just attacked the dog?
The kids falling into the zoo enclosures piss me the fuck off, because of the useless "parents" failing to watch their kids, some zoo animals have been shot dead before the rescuers were allowed to enter the inclosure. I mean, how stupid do you need to be to allow your kid to fall indo such a dangerous place? I'd throw the idiot parents in to rescue their own kid, before shooting an innocent animal for someone's stupidity.
Ok now I’ve always loved dogs way more than cats but I fucking love how the cat bodies the shit out of the dog with no hesitation or remorse.
Why this music made me feel like I’m watching jeopardy
Luckily the owner suffered mild burns……ehhh no burns is good burns…..
Ugh zoos are horrible! Just let them be free!
Animals is soo beautiful ~
I’m crying..
damn, this makes me want to eat less meat. RIP Harambe
They are humans…we are animals?
rip harambe.
hero cat was osm
What's up with the music, sounds like a subliminal ?