Baby Animals Are So Grateful These Guys Saved Their Lives | When these men found baby animals who needed help, they welcomed them with open arms. Special thanks to Darius Sasnauskas for giving this deer a second chance; learn more about his wildlife rescues on Youtube: http://thedo.do/honeysada.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
another good human going out of his way to care for the helpless animals that need it…..good job
We will not see any of these video coming out of Venezuela…there they eat anything that moves and a deer is considered a meal for the entire family and extended family.
I love to see animal lovers do what they do best! ?
The LITTLE fawn, should stay in captivity, or else, It would trust people too much, and be shot by a deer hunter?
I love all of these kind ppl & the animals they rescue. So delightful to see there r still good ppl in the world.
I have a feeling that deer didn't forget that man… Just the fact he sees the deer herd means she know where she could safe of she needed him. Animals don't forget
Dodo videos are the reason I love YouTube. Brilliant video.
Why are the vets' only option for baby squirrels is to put them down?
Thanks very much good people???
Beautiful people ?
Everyone: "I wish more people were like this!"
Me: Everyone IS like this. I don't know a single person who wouldn't help a dying animal or person.
I love when people make sure the animals are integrated back into the wild. That’s for sure the right thing to do and not keep them as pets just cause you wanna call yourself ”Mommy” or ”daddy”.
Dude is total dad material
My bad
Edit: Dudes*
I came accross a helpless saumon. O brought her home for sushi.
3:42 He kinda looks like Jonh Cena ?
Can I have a serious talk with those people who disliked this video
They’re all are going straight to heaven ?
Deadbeat deer mom.