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About the Author: Hollatronix


  1. horror/thriller author at books sez: Trade Sally Struthers for SM (who at least isn't tearful here), dirty-faced kiddies for sad-faced doggies, and Save The Children becomes its animal version: a Schmaltzfest called Save The Pets. If we spent half as much time and emotional energy on people…

  2. Can someone Stop putting these commercials on tv every other commercial.
    Send letters to The People who can Help you , not for your kids, to see, and people who Love and Treasure Gods Animals. What kind of person just keeps on pounding in your Face Abuse. When you've had a hard day at work and just try to look at a couple of game shows and movies to just Ruin your whole night and life and you know you don't have enough money to barely pay rent or get food because nobody gives raises like they supposed to. It's got to be some government program set up for Animals since they were the first on Earth any way. Because I know $0.10 a day all /that talk is not going to help nobody.

  3. This will be the next thing Trump will go after he will try to stop the MSPCA cause they do great things
    Trump = Hitler
    Same Evil Different Time Periods.

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