Check out these cute animal reaction to pregnant women and write in the comments what reaction did your animals have during your pregnancy.
Welcome to Pepe Frog Channel! With the most interesting, funniest videos from short film of cats captured by camera Like and Share these videos for your friends and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel!
jes he protect her
Suplex animal videos
casually cries about how cute the orangutan is
Amores de mi vida? los animales
É coisa mais linda do mundo os bichinhos ?❤?
My cat is sassy af but she randomly became really sweet and always followed me everywhere and would jump on my lap when I was using the toilet etc just would not leave my side and I thought maybe she was finally growing out of her bitch phase but then I found out I was pregnant and apparently animals can smell the increase of hormones in your body and understand what’s happening. I think that’s pretty cool and too this day she still follows me everywhereeeee
Evidently, the animals know more than members of the Supreme Court. They know there are babies in there, that ought to be respected and loved. What's wrong with humans?
A mí perra le da igual jajaja estaba más cariñosa al principio pero ahora pasa, me arrolla si para eso se come. Una chuche jajjajaj
I love animales….
Why make videos of animals in prison?
That's how my dog act plus he doesn't like men around
Que. lindo!! Fefendenfo a. Dona
Cat is danger forma Baby
0:37 “Bro lmk when you think he ready for this action, he keep trying it” ??
They are all very cute and very intelligent❤️
I feel really bad for those orangutans behind that glass?
Gagii ung pusa tiktik un . Hahahhahah gusto nyang kainin ung baby . Hahahaha???
the first one made me cry
and the humans keep them locked up..
Why does the Orangatan know she's pregnant? Because she's smarter than we are.
I think the orangutan is a mom to and she miss her children, pls bring back her to them?
Its so disturbing to see animals in captivity. Its an utter disgrace.
First one what if she gives birth to a gorilla????just shut up???
sees cat cuddling with baby.INTETNALL SCREAMS AWW ITS SO CUTE
1:22 that cat is that baby's best friend and the baby doesn't even know it yet ?
Watch my active baby movement inside…….plz subscribe me n support..??….https://youtu.be/S3uyFSxTOvg
Sooooper cute❤❤
Release the animals ??
Why is that beautiful orangutan in a CAGE people???? So wrong.
Orangutans should be free #cagefree ???
Ето мне нравится
It’s so sad to think a lot of animals understand the sanctity of human life better than some humans do. They cherish and protect the lives of the unborn more than we do. ?
Does this work if I just have a big fat Belly?
1:24 Maybe because you were slapping her is why the dog was attacking you. Idiot.
I think they know. We are animails + mammals too.
Que hermosos ????