It’s been another great week and a good start to February. Thanks to everyone who submitted videos! Which clip was your favorite? Leave it in the comments and let us know what you’d like to see more of!
Mozzey – Come With Me ft. Virie _ Zaza (Artist Intelligence Agency)
Best of the Month ➝
Amazing Stunts, Incredible Locations by FLY GUYS ➝
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0:16 https://goo.gl/RULXAr
0:19 n/a
0:23 https://goo.gl/Upsz4S
0:27 n/a
0:31 https://goo.gl/8p4amm
0:35 n/a
0:39 https://goo.gl/kmCSVZ
0:47 https://goo.gl/PqJQrX
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0:56 https://goo.gl/zrCibF
1:02 https://goo.gl/ESd7aP
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1:49 n/a
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2:28 https://goo.gl/6LRLEF
2:33 https://goo.gl/yv4YZp
2:36 https://goo.gl/b4tLLV
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2:48 https://goo.gl/ykUerY
PAA business and licensing inquiries:
PEOPLE ARE AWESOME is the number one destination for amazing, original videos and compilations of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We feature all sorts of different extreme sports and activities other amazing feats, including parkour, skateboarding, tricking, cliff diving, wingsuit flying, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, acrobatics, calisthenics, cheerleading, freestyle football, basketball dunks, extreme pogo, freerunning, cycling, kayaking, frisbee trick shots, golf, martial arts, BASE jumping and many, many more a host of other action sports! Whether you’re searching in 2015 or any other year, check out our amazing and original action sports videos in HD where we show you why we think people are awesome!
To license any of the videos shown on People are Awesome, visit Jukin Media at http://jukinmedia.com/licensing
Song so nice please added energetic song becoz song is important
OMG that so amazing and awesome ??
Hold my beer
Virie ❤️
I should be on this show cause i can balence a light switch
somebody knows parkour vedios whatsapp group???
Hi guys does anybody know the last song/beat at the end of the videos?
Thanks ???
Ethics violent correspondent elbow note edge tennis
The thumbs downers have no goals
Its Bahrain!!
I have a cool recording of that event too!!
Awesome? You mean INSANE!!!!
I wud say this is the life
That music can stoping
Hey watch our super comedy vines "suppi ruppi vines"
Background music artist please.
this video has some really amazing clips
That last one. How'd he do that? ?
f why i discover such videos after mast**bate 😀
1:38 i bet the mom is like "yeah thats my son whos yours?"
1:54 one of the first clip from the nitro circus: aannnd this is a basic from them xD why do u not used something reall awesome like the free willy of ryan williams?
P.S this clip is awesome for us but for them its easy they do it at every show, but i never tell this clip is bad 😉
How to you get into these videos because I’m not to shabby with nunchucks and I think it would be fun
Edit: I’m 11
Needed this after cringe compilation streak.
Thank god this exists.
1:50 do you see the illuminati?