Are Crows the Ultimate Problem Solvers? | Inside the Animal Mind | BBC Earth

Are Crows the Ultimate Problem Solvers? | Inside the Animal Mind | BBC Earth
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We all know that crows are smarter than the average bird, but will 007 be able to solve the complex puzzle and retrieve his reward?

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  1. i chucked some bread to a flock of crows, they all flew away, but one did not, it picked up as much as it could, went to a large piece of cardboard hid the bread , then went back for the rest

  2. Iv just rescued a baby crow… that's why i'v cone across this video..been looking for crow videos on here to help me with the car of this baby bird. Didn't realise how smart they was

  3. wear can i buy that crow ore won like it? how much to? i used two have a really smart dog but he died. crow wood be a good replacment

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