We all know that crows are smarter than the average bird, but will 007 be able to solve the complex puzzle and retrieve his reward?
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What’s these music?
Could I use them?
pfft… eye can doo thahh
This bird is clearly a resident evil / silent hill fan
My fool teacher said animals dont have brain??
Itachi joins the chat
i chucked some bread to a flock of crows, they all flew away, but one did not, it picked up as much as it could, went to a large piece of cardboard hid the bread , then went back for the rest
I cant even solve that
I feel like it was trained to do all that
Graduate craw
I got new respect for the crows.
Edit: Not a game of thrones reference.
A crow got enrolled in my school
Never thought that he would be 1st honor
you know nothing
Iv just rescued a baby crow… that's why i'v cone across this video..been looking for crow videos on here to help me with the car of this baby bird. Didn't realise how smart they was
The bird knew what to do from jump
Crows are the smartest animals in the world.
wear can i buy that crow ore won like it? how much to? i used two have a really smart dog but he died. crow wood be a good replacment
DamnnnThere goes the saying so much for a birdbrain
This bird is smarter than most people for real
The Crows Are Smart And Unique Animals ✌?
No. They are the ultimate problem.
Crow: gg ez
I'm pretty sure that even a normal person couldn't solve this without failing atleast once
That Birb is a paid actor.
RE: No, theyre dumbass birds.
Good thing I didn't keep the crow I healed it would've picked the lock and killed me for encaging it longer than I had too…
So that story as a kid was true
Each one teach one!
Adam Carolla knew their true potential ;0
Yeah crows are genius
All that for a snack…. now imagine what they would do for money!
Forget crows, I wouldn't be able to solve this problem.
A very good boi
Introducing our brand new government controlled animal
Problem solving birb.
Disappointed. Title is misleading.
I actually remember this exact episode airing on TV and recording it and that was about 5 years ago
Can they fix my life?