?Rio de Janeiro street food tour: https://youtu.be/TlWDF3BfUdo
Guilherme (Rio4Fun): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqKjl-xepqcSTkJGR9pq_vQ
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RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Food in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro! #RiodeJaneiro #BrazilianFood #favela
Favela – An unregulated, informal neighborhood in Brazil. There are estimates of as many as 1,000 favelas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many of the favelas in Rio de Janeiro are full cities within themselves, where nearly everything is available.
It’s without a doubt that a lot of crime and organized underground criminal activity happens and is controlled in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. However, favelas across Brazil are home to some of the most hard working, friendly, happy, and creative people in Brazil as well. So in this video my goal was to meet and to highlight some of the amazing people that call favelas home.
Rocinha – The first favela we visited was Rocinha, the biggest favela in Rio, one of the biggest in Brazil. We met up with Guilherme who took us on a walking tour to some viewpoints and to some Brazilian food places.
Sabor da Roça – The most well known little snack shop on this street in Rocinha, we stopped for a coxinha, one of the top Brazilian food snacks. It was packed with chicken and with some hot sauce it was amazing.
Price – 2.5 BRL ($0.63)
For lunch we stopped at an alleyway restaurant in Rocinha, where he cooked up a lunch set included beef ribs, cassava, pasta, rice, and beans. It was simple, but delicious and hearty.
Price – 10 BRL ($2.52)
Morro da Providência – Favela number two is one of the first favelas of Rio and located in downtown Rio de Janeiro, near the port and up on a hill on the side of the cliff. We met up with Jura, who is an absolute Brazilian food cooking legend and an amazing person.
One of Jura’s most famous dishes is nhoque de camarão, an Italian but Brazilian potato noodles in Jura’s own creation sauce of shrimp and coconut milk. It was simply outstanding, all made from scratch.
But the dish I was most interested in eating and which Jura expertly cooked, again from scratch was her feijoada – often considered the national dish of Brazil, and one of my personal favorite foods of Brazil as well – there are few dishes of the world more comforting than beans and pig parts with rice. When you’re in Brazil, you can eat feijoada at many restaurants, but home-cooked is by far the best.
Thank you Jura and Elena!!
This was one of the best days I had in Brazil in terms of learning, meeting people, and food, and it’s an experience and memories I’ll never forget.
You hear a lot of the negative that comes out of favelas in Brazil, and it is true. However, the positive side and the amazing people, are not often recognized, and it was truly memorable to see and learn about this side of hope in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Huge thank you to Guilherme Camocardi and Rafa Ribs from Rio4Fun and Rio4Food. Check out their videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqKjl-xepqcSTkJGR9pq_vQ
• Rio4Fun: https://www.instagram.com/rio4fun/
• Guilherme: https://www.instagram.com/gagui22/
• Rafa: https://www.instagram.com/ribs.rafa/
?MUSIC: https://www.audionetwork.com/ and https://goo.gl/HwVjdo
?CAMERA GEAR I used to make this video (these are affiliate links):
• Main camera: https://amzn.to/2vY66aL
• Main lens: https://amzn.to/2Qa08Ne
• Microphone: https://amzn.to/2YoG6kO
• Microphone fur: https://amzn.to/2LLDKuQ
• Mini tripod: https://amzn.to/2YsJeMz
• Drone: https://amzn.to/2Yvhib2
• Instagram: https://instagram.com/migrationology
• Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/migrationology
?Watch all my Brazilian food videos:
Note: This video also includes Portuguese subtitles. Thank you for watching, and you can watch all the Brazil food videos on this playlist: https://youtu.be/TlWDF3BfUdo
What a gay guy
I have so many questions about the favelas like who do they pay the electricity too? how much is rent? where is the nearest wal mart? does everybody just have their own hustle? no real job? and i can keep going…..
Congratulations man!!!!
Eu sou esse tipo de cara , gosta de querer gostar das comidas que acaba de conhecer
??? ohwoow??
Haha that bartender lady trynna get laid,ye' ole wine n dine?
Awesome set of Rio videos! Too bad you didnt visit Ilha da Gigoia in Barra while in Rio.
Great job.
Eu acho que ouvi um tiro nesse vídeo
Esse gringo pode dizer que conheceu a verdadeira feijoada brasileira . . .
your videos makes me soo happy 🙂
The view and the food look spectacular! Greetings from Mexico
O Cidade Maravilhosa manchada pelo crime.
Meu amigo, como consegue ser tão magrinho comendo tanto??? Parabéns vc é mt simpático! ????
Oh lovely videos..my mouth watering when I see Brazil food. Feel like visiting ??☺??people good so lovely country
Esse cara é foda, mostrou tudo sem medo de ser assaltado!
13:18 – "Obrigado"
– Tem que pagar
Someone please tell this lovely guy that in Brazil we say "muito bom" and not "muito bueno" xD
a melhor parte foi a senhora balançando os peitos fingindo q estava falando da feijoada kkkk
was not this guy a vegan?
That is what you call "soul food"
Coxinha's are my favorites!!!
O gringo se lambuza
I love Dona Jura calling Mark Baby …like he is her son now. so cute
The food just made me feel so hungry… Great vid Mark ?
"me grava" kkkkkk
do not speak very good, it speaks: very good
In Brazil we speak the Portuguese language, do not confuse with Spanish
WHO is that guy that is always traveling with him ?
dando uma amassada no feijao pra ele ficar com o caldo mais melhor KKKK
Sou português e tenho um carinho enorme pelo povo brasileiro. O espírito brasileiro é dos melhores do mundo. Abraço meus irmãos!
you are crazy man , i live here , and is very dangerous LoL
Mmmm I'm hungry now.
looks all good
This man is a fraud!!! His real name is Marcus pencil-neck winestein!!!
adoro esse cara….'a reaçao dele e a melhor
Obrigada por vim conhecer realmente o Brasil.
That mom's hairline is like LeBron's
This crazy must have some Bahian relative, I like pepper, but he likes more, should see the Bahian cuisine ??
Vem pro Goiás!
What a shithole