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2:27 he just didn't want to die alone
i am so bored at home and watched this video again 😀 we mising good old vodi i think…
i swear to god all naga players have mental problem
"i love vagina!"-reaves
"The Finger has a split second delay, just like in real life. That made no sense" XD
– it sounded perv but it made me laugh hard.
miss you reaves
guid how to won with void in two steps lol XD
This has to be the best intro ever.
You guys are the best!!!
2:26 pudge sure hated wr
i hit naga wtf
Earthsakeru xD
I love how at 1:04 it looks like he just forgot what he was doing, like "oh hey crystal maiden, how's it goi-OH WAIT!"
How can i sumbit a video
Azure is my real life frend…and she does sux…XD
legit ragequit moment lol
yeah, rage quit
Nice Jugg immitation =)
Friendships is magic XD
Nobody ever understands how to use Naga in pub games
What's the original name of the song that he's singing @ 5:00 ? Rage quit the game
He's obviously a troll mate.
And if I´m not mistaken the Idea for DotA was taken from the Last Misison of the Bonus campaign in Frozen throne ( it was Dota stylish with 1side having op Minions and 1side having 3 bases and heroes)
U mean u want to say HON and LOL are a copy of DOTA. A game that's been created on Warcraft 3(map actually) and its been played for 10 years since it began and u say that DOTA is copying HON. So stupid u r, go grew up kid!
how is tf2 a copy of COD? they are both 1st person shooters, but cod is a very specific game that tries to be as realistic as possible, while still being fun, and tf2 is all about the cartoony aspect of doing crazy fun things with diferent classes that do very different things.
2:00 "Jesus had Aegis"
Next clip at 2:10 "Jesus had Aegis…so did Gandal"
I think you MIGHT have mixed up some facts here… but i can't put my finger on it… maybe the whole timelinething- but it's complecated, so don't think about it too much. ;p
How does one feed a troll who doesn't even respond to his old commend?
He's obviously trolling, and you're feeding him.
2:32 – friendship IS magic xD
idiot it's the other way around HON paid Dota to borrow some heroes ( alot of heroes)
tf2 is not at all cod if thats the case than every fps copied cod idiot i hate people like you
Confirmed! Confirmed for brony!
What's that you say? Friendship *is* magic? xD
2:32 Friendship is magic. reaves is a brony.
Why would you respond to year-old trolling?
tf 1 born before cod. dota born before hon.
why every game copies valve?
1:55 – LeShrac's name is "Jesus had Aegis"
2:10 – Templar Assassin's name is "Jesus had Aegis… So Did Gandalf"
Coincidence? I think not! 😛
delete dota stupid noobs. Go garena 150 room
Well you're either stupid or you're joking.
69 thumbs up….HAHAHAHAHAHA….thumbs
Dota 2 was released 9 july 2013
and IceFrog was hired by ValvE in oct 2009
and i dont care about LoL. because every game in LoL is the same.