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On a spur of the moment trip, we decided to catch a train from Munich, Germany to Salzburg, Austria – which is just a 1.5 hour train ride away. We only had a few hours, so I wanted to make the most of eating Austrian food for the time we had. We also were able to walk around Salzburg and visit some famous attractions during the day.
Here’s the list of Austrian food I ate during a one day trip to Salzburg, Austria:
1. Cafe Am Kai – Cafe Am Kai is a nice trendy cafe along the river with great views. I ordered a kleiner brauner, a type of Austrian style coffee and an apple strudel. Total price – 14.40 EUR for 3 of us
2. Bärenwirt Restaurant – This is a restaurant that serves fantastic home-style Austrian food in Salzburg. To begin with I ordered frothed beer soup, which was very creamy and pretty good. I ordered my first ever wiener schnitzel in Austria, which is one of the Austrian food national dishes. Finally I had to try the Austrian käsespätzle an extremely warming and cheesey pasta dish. Price – 33.90 EUR
3. Balkan Grill Walter – Balkan Grill is known to serve the best bosna sausage, a type of Austrian food sausage that originates from Salzburg. It was honestly an amazing sausage, but I think it would have been better with some kind of sauce on it. Bosna sausage – 3.70 EUR
4. Augustiner Bräu Kloster Mülln – There’s no doubt Augustiner Bräu Kloster Mülln is the best of the best, an institution beer garden and hall in Salzburg. They serve your beer right out of the barrel, and it’s amazingly crisp. You can then walk around and order Austrian food from any number of the food stalls. Small beer – 3.10 EUR, ribs and sausage plates – 14.95 EUR, fish – 9 EUR
We then completely ran out of time and had to run to the Salzburg train station to catch our train back to Munich!
Thank you very much for watching this Austrian food tour in Salzburg!
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Thank you for watching. We had an amazing time visiting Germany and this Austria day trip. Japanese food videos start Wednesday!
every time when l watch ur videos l get hungry.
Austrian steal all food from Germoney
This guy is the Steve Irwin of food.
The most boring cuisine in Europe ?
Does mark ever get mad? His smile is infectious!
Prices here ware wayyyyy more reasonable than in Zurich
i was in that balkan place today 🙂 thank you Mr. Wiens.
I don’t know if anyone mentioned it before… but the cheesy nudels you had are actually german. It’s called Käsespätzle and one of my favourites!
Cute kid…
07:02 the little boy is tasting the table…and just like his dad he said “mmm, really crispy”
mark wiener
Jealous of the Austrian cheesy pasta and fried onions 🙂
For the love of god, please shut your mouth when you’re eating. Watching your mouth full of food when you decide it’s time to speak is grim. No excuse.
stumbled upon this cannel, what a delight
I put you a tons down because you have in the video on the right and left you have videos and showing your YouTube channel picture I have de capture I wish I could send it to you but I don’t now how this it my email latinopika24@gamil.com
the kid is eatimg the table mark
You 2's son is so incredibly cute/sweet!!
There is no country like Austria. I lived 5 years in bisamberg and can't forget ever.
Austria, where all the globalist pigs are.
next time youre in austria i´d like to show you how to really eat fish =)
Beer drinks
Watching your video make me so hungry
Some people eat to live, this guy lives to eat…but I don’t think he finishes all the plates…otherwise he would be overweight no matter how much he walks around. He loves cheese in any dish