Cute 17 day old Australian Shepherd Puppies practicing their very first howling or maybe calling for mama, not sure which, but the mama dog was taking a much needed break a few feet away watching them carefully when first one pup started to howl and then the others tried. It’s the first real sounds they have made beyond soft whimpers.
Help, my dog is obsessed with my laptop after this video!
this made me cry cus how cut it was
Are those Australian shepherds
My puppy loved this!
Our dog liked this! 8)
My 3 week old puppy makes a weird spinning noise like a cat.
sooooooo cute?????????????
So cute and gorgeous puppies. Love their sound so sweet but u should show us the mom too, bless them all
Where is mommy, they sound hungry
played for my puppy and now he's investigating the house looking for these puppies ?
the puppy at 0:57 is to die for !!!!!?
Watched this on full volume. My puppy is searching for the others now.
So adorable! I can not handle this!!! Ahhhh…!!!! Why are they so cute! Omg
i miss my baby chiwawa now he was so cute and always seemed so scared and when you picked him up they would love you so much and not be scared
they are so cute
Aww theyre so cute and wobbly
They are pretty puppies Can I get one
So adorable! I can not handle this!!! Ahhhh…!!!! Why are they so cute! Omg
played for my puppy and he got all excited
my puppies bite my phone.. hahah
I can't play this video if I do my dog started shaking and crying too…that's so weird why she does this???
My puppy went crazy when I played this. Haha. Cute video.
cute vidio
I have a Chihuahua
When he heard it he went car cra
When I played this..my dog heared it and goes near me looking at me…i was like "Whaddaya looking at?! Im no puppy!" XDD
there so cute i wish i had a dog like that
Let me guess half blue healer half beagle my dog had the same ones
I came here to wind up my dog….
my dog hugged me tight when she heard it
my dog he was a father
Showed this to my dog, she licked the screen and tried to nudge me away from the computer – sweet! I think she thought they were hers
my dogs are 1month and did that same noise they sounded like a whistel
Aww poor babies
Let me huggle them
I showed this to my 2 year old dog he was staring at the keyboard like"my children, come to me".
I showed this to my pregnant dog and she went wild trying to find them and she ran all round the garden.
I showed this to my one year old dog, she listened, and went crazy and ran around the house
So cute <3 I love them