IDIOT DRIVERS CAUGHT ON CAMERA 2017 – Car and Semi Truck Driving Fails (Tires come off) – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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Russian mechanics just hand tighten lugnuts, I guess.
Half of these are just wheels falling off, big deal
6:42 felt avoidable… like.. if he wasn't following so closely
the last is obviously fake
A couple repeats…learn to edit better
russians sound like they are always drunk…. blyat
Apparently they do not have National Lug Nut Day in Russia or anywhere else, lol.
Nice, Good stuff keep it coming
This video is epic.
amazing how much damage a tire & wheel can do….
Russians don'y know how to tighten lug nuts!
笑った タイヤ取れすぎ
Find it odd that somebody would have a camera mounted on the outside of the vehicle and pointed at the front left tire….the one that just happened to be the one that came off
Vorsprung Durch Technik…try using a spanner 🙂
0:43 Oh no. 🙁
Omg those loose wheels are lethal the speeds some of them go ? there like missiles
this is what happens when the passion for making compilations goes out the window.
You picked a fine time to leave me loose wheel…
What do you even do when this happens? Do you have to go buy new lug nuts? is it the bolts that strip?
I'm going to pause this real quick and go tighten my lug nuts.
06:27 "Where'd that tire come from?"
Heaven. Jesus was all playing video games and was all like…
"Headshot bitches!!"
Wheel never get tired of watching this!
2:50 Poor guy in front thought he was gonna get away without any damage. Shitty luck for him.
That last one tho…?
It's amazing, how much momentum a loose rolling tire/wheel has, how unpredictable it can be, and how much damage it can cause!! I find it eerily fascinating.
I have never in 30 years of driving even seen ONE wheel come off. Why do so many happen in Russia?! Do they put them on with one loose nut or something?!
this is severely satisfying
2:30 Tire never came off. The axle, however…
2:00 what are windshield wipers?
What's the background (guitar solo) music in most videos btw?
lots of duplicate video's in here. check your editing more closely please.
Man… I really hate it when my rubber comes off.
Russians…a simple Chinese proverb to remember:
He who jump in front of car get tired.
What a tireing video.
mecanic incompetent
Anyone watched the film Rubber? The last video reminded me of that!
So many reposts in the same video
En busca de las ruedas perdidas….