Red (in black) Handles up On Dis Rgv “Gang member” who calls her out ..red goes to her hood nd Mutual friends Record the fight #
Red (in black) Handles up On Dis Rgv “Gang member” who calls her out ..red goes to her hood nd Mutual friends Record the fight #
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Ill find you
What's that sweater pussy as shit about?
That's my chicken ! Uh uh it's my pollo, oh yeah………yeah, thems fightin words.
You should love people equally, no matter what. Even if their fat, or born with freckles, or if their white, or violet, or black . We all came from Adam and eve. God made us all and we all are important. Let a poor friend sit with you on your sofa, and let your rich friend sit on the floor.
Again, be a person who loves people.
Awww what happen did she steal your candy and you got mad and hit her with your yo yo and she threw the candy and it hit you in the eye. Hell with both of you , your grounded, go to your room now before you get the belt! Do you see yet how stupid you guys are? It's pathetic. I'm 100% positive that whatever the hell you dummies are fighting over it isn't worth it. Open your eyes. ..Be a person who loves people .
are these guys or girls.
Id kick both your asses, that was shit fighting I live in Edinburg hmu
Pónganse a jalár jajaja puro pinche pito ????y dejen las gorditas y los tacos y vallan a correr
Pura pinche malandra
"I dont have the bars i dont know where i left them" 956 slang