Guys Rescue Drowning Dog | This is the most nerve-racking dog rescue! Special thanks to Paul Oommen for this incredible video! For more, visit: http://thedo.do/dogsave.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
Боже ! Как тяжко видеть и знать такие ситуации. Душа выскакивает из внутри , что бы помочь. А люди молодцы. Браво . Так держать. Вместе Вы сила. Благослови Вас Господь на добрые дела в любых обстоятельствах.
Terima kasih buat yg nolong smoga disehat sllu
The real MVP is God's hand behind the scenes. As many of times that dog went under it should of been gone.
I just don't understand The people that would give this a thumbs down.We have what brings out the best of human being in what they did risking there lives.Then we had the worse of example by those putting thumbs down on this video.
Wow, real heroes. Pure Love.??????
God bless uuu
Lieber. Mann danke 1000 x, für. Ihre grenzenlose. Hilfe, Gänsehaut……
God bless you man
Thanks a lot of him for helping that animal thanks again God bless him all the time
Super ??
Two true heros!
The dog that never gave up Anda the man, that was so coraugeus!!
Huge ELOGE 2 that very brave men!! ?❤️?
Jesus apkolambi Umar dy God bless you
Собачка Умничка, поняла что её спасают,
I love you guys!!!!!!!!
Seles tomará en cuenta esa buena acción…!
강아지 잘했어요 힘도 많이 빠졌을덴데 끝까지 주인이 이름을 부르고 정말 조마조마
Real hero
Real hero ..
God bless you and your family dear brother love you from Punjab India ????❤️❤️❤️❤️
Best guys ever!
Well done.
Hats off brother
The real hero,,,
Why throw your dog in there to make a video said mate
Dog ko bcha lo please
louvado seja a Deus esses q resgataram esse ANJO .Q O SENHOR OS ABENÇOE
Thank you bro God bless you
You guys are so kind and brave. May God bless you forever. I love ❤️ you all. ???????
MERCI !!!!! pour lui !!!
Good job
Great job guys
It is a not good lt is very very good
Respect man
God bless you
Bravo ??
Great job