Please donate $5 and help send us on the next rescue mission: http://www.HopeForPaws.org
To adopt Petunia and/or Petals, please contact:
If you are BLOCKED from watching, please click here: https://vimeo.com/eldad75/videos
Please share this video on your favorite social media network so we can find them a loving forever home.
Thanks 🙂
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos.
Keep them together‼️??
Not a good day to wear a white T-shirt. But seriously good work.
3 k dislikes ? Why do you people who watch these click dislike ? Why don't you just stop watching these videos. You obviously have some mental disorder. So, gfys…. ?
She looks part poodle
Ok this is a very random question but where does hope for paws get these super model girls to feature in all its videos! I'm really curious! Great work on the rescues!
Animals is our family ?????????
I don't want to watch this cuz if i watch this I'm gonna cry or ? sad… Please donate animals I love animals they are protecting all with us and be kind.. ?☺
Why do I watch these videos? I always end up in tears. It's not manly lol
Ii am always surprised when they are trying to capture a stray but bring no food or dog treats.
Ustedes son ángeles que envío el cielo a ayudar a éstos indefensos seres ?
Awee how cute is that baby and mom I pray they stay together ♥️and they find good homes thank you I watch you all the time I know you are angels I swear ty yes no dog gets left behind ♥️
Man I don't want to hate but every time when a dog gets super scared it's because of the woman
i adopt them both plz
I love all you guys who help animals!!!!
Wish both adopte by one family ????
I'm sure she have more pupies somewhere she lost god mercy to these suffering enncent ? ???????
Looks like a Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Maybe it is. Do not see those very often.
meanwhile humans in USA starve on the streets
it is all okay but fuck you
this is all your selfish pleasure
have not seen humans help spiders like this
only if it is cute or anthropomorphic
India thanks for your service and I love you
God bless u
Great vid and thank you for helping them finding a home…but for the Love of God…kill the music…you ruined the video with that crap
Amei o vídeo
Absolutely beautiful….have they been adopted yet ?? If they haven´t please let me know, I would be proud of adopting them both..
They’re so cute
Petunia and Petal shouldn't be separated. I'm surprised you even suggested this. And thank you for rescuing them. I hope they were both adopted together.
i was really sad until i heard the sad naruto music which made me awkwardly laugh
Thank you again Hope For Paws. I watch this and I wish I could save all them. ???
love youse and what you are doing. All the way from Australia
Love the song at the beginning. It's the exact song when Naruto is emotional talking about his "ninja way".
I want to adopt both of them please do me a favour
When I tried to donate, the error reports that I am unable to donate coz I live in India
Don’t shop, don’t visit breeders, don’t approach puppy mills. Go to the shelter.
once again this video is PROOF that there angles walking among us
I live here next to this park lol.
Can i have one of dog here in phillipines