Puppy too injured to get to food and water rescued

Puppy too injured to get to food and water rescued
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We got a call that a street puppy had been hit by a car and was unable to move. We found him under a truck, too injured to move but still wagging his tail when our rescuer approached. The moment we lifted him he cried out in pain. Back at Animal Aid’s hospital we found that his pelvis had been injured, and he would need extensive rest, care and physical therapy to recover.

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About the Author: Animal Aid Unlimited, India


  1. I was crying and smiling at the same time while watching this…I wish my country has organization like Animal Aid. Thank you so much for saving him…??

  2. Какие люди милосердные и Великодушные. Я уже хочу так же быть полезной для добрых поступков. Благодарность спасателям пушистых душ .Покровительство небесных сил!

  3. Natürlich hatte er erstmal Angst.
    Und würden die Hunde die wild leben besser behandelt gäbe es bestimmt nicht immer wieder die Übergriffe auf Menschen.
    Denn man sieht ja immer wie freundlich ,dankbar und lieb die Hunde sind die Ihr gerettet habt.

  4. The people who Donate to you are Angels and you make them know it, you show them what their donations did and it's to save lives of street animals, you are absolutely magical and you should get noticed here in America for your hard work and dedication, and I believe that America can do much more to help the world as we have done so far.

    For the trolls :
    Please don't bring politics.

  5. Rescues like this will not change the world but it changes the world for these kind animals who deserves love, you guys are really god. you deserve more respect then any one in the world

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