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Neil in Symphony of Skills: http://youtu.be/A6gUfilpvFQ?t=1m48s
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Can't click on link for Neil Fail Clips since watching on my phone…
malygos the bleu… this is the bleu dragon in world of warcraft
How was the WR forcestaff a fail?
She basically denied him, since LS was going to die from Weaver anyways as he turned armlet off.
first time seeing episode with reaves.. his impressions are the only part noticeably better than slacks
2:50 u can see my lil brother!! his name is SMN =) adopted from hong kong i love him long time.
Give music in the videos) Plz)
I miss reaves. 🙁
Also known as outhouse decorator
That PA voice hoho!
Very bad sound
I lol'ed SO FUCKING HARD on Reaves doing PA's voice
wtf reaves youre the best! that dolphin windruner voice 3:20
sniper dies"this is no time for naps" XD Reaves you're awesome!youre not blind
3:21 WR gets the gold for killing naix? Am i not blind?
i like u reaves
Bravo Grimm esti tare
can someone put a roofy in pa's drink so i can take her home?
destroyer (T-BONE) is my friend .. what a chance !
Lol I played with face face face face and divine waffles and Divine bacon