These goats all had very rough starts to life. But, thanks to their rescuers, they’re all making serious comebacks – and they’ve even bonded into their own little family ❤️ Today on Comeback Kids: Animal Edition, a vet is helping the newest baby goat try out her wheelchair for the first time. For more of their amazing rescue stories, you can check out Puget Sound Goat Rescue on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PugetSoundGoatRescue/ and Instagram: http://thedo.do/psgr.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
"some are a little more mischievous than others"
woman; proceeds to point at baby goat beside her
a few minutes later;
that baby goat; proceeds to eat woman's microphone
me; yes
~ ~
/ l
With a goat there is always hope
Can’t these animals be treated more humainly?i don’t understand it at all. It breaks my heart..
Your awesome.
Anyone who could harm any animal is disgusting and need to g punished
I have four goats I love them
nubz and nubby are kind of cruel names its like you wouldn't name a brain dead kid retardy or a blind kid you cant see-y
Can I live there please
They are ALIVE ….let them live…. You have the power to make the world less cruel for at least one cow or goat or chicken ????
I want to save animals
After watching this how can people doubt animals don't have souls?
I would've given a proesthetic leg instead. Would've grown to be more mobile than with 2 wheels.
wow this is beautiful
Whenever I see goats, I recall how my old "cousin", (third degree? No! I don't think so, farther than that) beat his goats almost to death when he chased them and was able to get hold of them. I was so young then, grade 1 I think. I think there were 3-5 goats who were able to get loose. He chased them and when he was able to finally get into them, he beat the goats so hard. I was so shocked. I couldn't move. THANK God! He's been dead for years now. I hate myself I couldn't do anything to save the goats. I can still hear the goats crying for help.
Rosebud almost ran over those turkeys ???
Making me miss my goat so much right now I wanna go see her right now ???
I love how Rosebud almost ran over the birds, and they just didn't give a crap
I have never seen any animal go at a milk bottle like goats do. It's amazing ?
..thanks now i want a goat
Sorry to interrupt, but he’s eating your mic