Shelter Dogs React to Being ADOPTED | These dogs JUST left the shelter — and are so excited to be on their #FreedomRide
Video by: Indiana Salome Merali
Oliver the senior poodle is still looking for his forever home! If you’re in the Salt Lake City area and are able to adopt him, please contact Community Animal Welfare Society: http://thedo.do/2nDEwgs.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
I'm not crying, I'm just……..*sniffles* chopping alot of onions…….*sniffles*
00:13 selfielife
The gratitude of an animal is one of life's best moments…nothing like it!!!
God bless ❤️
awesome thank God for you guys thank you very much for helping all these innocent animals, they all look so adorable and happy now I'm soo happy that they going to a good forever home with people who really care and love them ?????????????????????????????
Every orphan should have a adopted dog no more using the fucking gas chamber or injecting natures greatest friend to humans
Love u all dogs…wish u best momnts of ur life ??
YAY!! Super YAY!
Please, If you would like to help an abused or neglected animal, and you shop at Amazon; they will donate a % to a charity of your choice thru: Amazon Smile based on TTL amt spent. Tku
A bought dog was mix nice terrier and dashound I think jk someone gave to me they adopted for us for some reason
Why do u guys make me cry everytime ( tears of happiness)
So emotional, good for them they deserve a loving family??❤??????
Absolutely beautiful. I hope one day every dog will know what it feels like to have a forever home. Rescuing an animal in need is the most rewarding experience.
super pet Street dogs
My three rescue dogs approve of this video
One dark thing in this
Some dogs are just used as guard dogs and doesnt have THAT much happy life
45 Chinese just gave this thumbs down! ??????
Soo sweet! ❤️
I'm doing a presentation of why animal rights are so important. I just finished watching a heartbreaking video of many abuse acts; including one dog being thrown off a bridge to his death. Absolutely horrible I cried a lot. It made me so aware of how horrible humanity is to our beautiful friends. Be the voice for those who have none.
Give them a second chance please they deserve that. ><
i literially just started crying. i have wanted a dog my who life and i worked and worked so that i could get one. we will adopt at the end of the summer. i just want the doggy to be happy.
I have had a couple of these moments! Freedom rides are the best❤️
Most are pitbulls :…(
My grandparents bought my golden retriever Bailey from a breeder, even though i begged them to adopt from a shelter. Even though I feel a little guilty, I still love him. I am going to adopt no matter what from now on.
Also i will buy feeder mice for pets instead of the ones with good homes in the shown store. I will make the feeder mouse feel at home. In that case i can't buy a snake…
I wanted to help these innocent dogs,addopted a beautiful dog
,it was the friendliest dog ever,it is the cutest member of our family,i told my wife i want to put him iny will,she agreed ,even thogh i only got 3000 dollars split that between my wife and three lovely kids,the dog will be 600 bucks richer when i hit the bucket
One time I went to my local animal shelter to look for a dog with my mom and brother. We found the perfect dog. She was so calm and the right size for us,small. We went to the front desk to see if we could fill out some papers but turned out she was going to a new home. I was so sad but yet so happy because the lady at the front desk forgot to put the "going home" sign on each and every puppies cage. I was happy because all of those dogs in the puppy area were going home 🙂
My dog put his head on my lap and fell asleep in the car he had a long good day
I watched you for only 2 days and I have already subscribed I am gonna support you every single video you make