Talking Dog’s Unique Barks Helps Him Get Adopted | When this guy heard a dog barking like a seal at the shelter, he knew he had to adopt him. You can keep up with Dennis and all of his beach adventures on Instagram, a.daily.dose.of.dennis: https://thedo.do/dennis.
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Seems like they’re a great match for each other! Interesting specimens they both are lol.
80% of the time, I was watching Drew ? sorry Dennis ?
How nice
Maybe he is car sick
They're BOTH adorable, and I'd like to pet them BOTH!
Dogs give us some of the best days of our lives, and one of the worse.
Staffies are really talkative, I think this pup must be part Staffie.
This is adorable! I love it when Poney talks/howls! Pibbles are the best!
He sounds like a rooster (rooster doggy dog) he is beautiful
Pugs do this too. Never met a dog that wants to talk more than a pug.
A handsom guy and his dog are chickbait.
2 beautiful boys…..
I Love him! of course our animals speak, one of my cats has 15 different sounds she makes for different things, Pets are people too! <3
He's tryna learn English he's so smart
So happy you adopted that beautiful puppy. Learn to talk back. It might work. Many years of joy a love to both of you together.
I just love him, I know many dogs that talk but hes a beauty, your really cute with him..Animals really show us how to love..♡
Omg I LOVE this beautiful dog and his owner
You just spent how many years with everything all about you? And YOU have now diagnosed that YOU are no longer your old SELF? Hmm my bs detector is ringing.
I had a dog that used to talk a lot, he always had something to say about everything. One time I had to leave him in a kennel because I was having surgery. When I picked him up after 10 days he seriously scolded me the entire 20 minute ride home; my friend who drove me, was laughing because it was so funny how much he was yelling at me. I am so glad you found each other and have learned how to communicate with each other. I’m sure when he starts talking, you know exactly what he’s saying! I am so glad that the other family allowed you to keep him, because you two are soulmates!!! Enjoy your forever life together!
Hey broo I have its sister and talking like it
lol,he sounds like a bulldog lol
That was really a wonderful story!! I am so glad you two found each other! I have a rather large Pit Bull, and he talks to me all the time! I do have 6 dogs in all, and i wouldn't trade any of them for anything!! I hope you two live a very long and happy life together!!
Adorable and heart warming. Dog and owner! Lol
Came here for my daily dose of dodo to enlighten my day ?
te doy Is really cute, but the owner?????
God this guys is so hot he's taking the spotlight from this cute pooch?
That’s adorable