![PUBLIC FREAKOUT COMPILATION [PART 5] MAY 2019](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/PUBLIC-FREAKOUT-COMPILATION-PART-5-MAY-2019-818x490.jpg)
Passengers knocks out TWO aggressive drivers, all caught on someones dashcam! That and MORE customers vs employees, crazy neighbors, drunk vs sober and one or two family friendly =)
THESE are some of the craziest public freakouts I tracked down during the month of May 2019!
Subscribe to EntertainmentNow! for more entertaining content, and let me know in the comments what you thought, and what kind of video you want to see!
outro mx
Rock Angel by Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/K8eRXvLL7Wo
reddit compilation,cringe compilation,best of reddit,reddit,public freakout,public fights,pranks gone wrong,woman freaking out,public freakout compilation,fails compilation,entertainmentnow,Funny compilation,funny
It's a service dog lady, it's not the petting zoo. What part of no is she having a problem with?
Girl! Pulling hair is cat fight 101
I gave this vid a thumbs down jss cause after every clip it asked me to subscribe?
1:56 the girl is so mature
Thought that bouncer was about to go full Ahmed Johnson and give that homeless drunk guy the Pearl River Plunge
What are 2 fat ugly bitches doing at11 the skate park
last one was self defense and she was going to call to police damn
Gotta love it when the person who starts a fight loses
2:00 “you done” god ducking thank you. Idk what tf happened but she needs to chill. Next up: I GOT THE HORSES IN THE BACK!!!!!!!
Lol that edge Lord sjw cuddling her service dog on the second to last video…
Jason you killin it lol
1:40 don’t ever expect to fight someone with damn slides on
Also the pet service thing, there are a lot of clips I’ve seen where people ask to pet their dogs and you know some people honestly do not realize you are not supposed to play with service dogs, that they are working SO don’t be such an asshole. I don’t know what happened in this videos situation cuz it was filmed after but I’ve seen a few where the person freaks out like DONT TOUCH HIM! HES NOT TO PET and to children – they don’t know, I didn’t know there was such thing until I came to America at 14, if I got yelled at like that I woulda been like what the hell is your problem too~
Not gonna lie, I can kind of understand the lady yelling at the people about their kids riding their bikes on the street – I live next to a middle school and these little shits think it’s funny to ride their bikes in a big group on the road and sometimes in front of cars. Cars honk and yell at them but these kids think they are so cool yelling back “you’re not my mom, you don’t own the road” one kid almost got beat up from a grown adult and I thought that was ridiculous so I just stay patient and try my best to not yell or purposely run over little 13 year olds. Hopefully the school or community here will do something about this shit. I don’t want to lol
The last guy beating the two though guys ? that was epic and the two girls fighting that was very satisfying ?
Why is this guy so thirsty for subscribers
0:45 white girls had me dead
Those two girls fighting at the skatepark look like they at f**king kindergarten
Last clip
Omg it’s Jason bourn
Last one is fake, obviously.
Dat Girl XD Talk Shit get Hit
That reaction when the frog jumped on that kids face is GOLD!???
two thumbs up to the guy at 9:30
You are recording without my concent. How else we gonna get your stupid ass on Utube?
1:16 i KNOW y’all heard that kid in the backround yellin “wOrLd StAr”
Dear God, I cannot imagine what it would be like to go home at the end of a day to any of those mouthy, obnoxious, entitled and catastrophically stupid heifers. I genuinely feel sorry for their husbands and kids.
Entitled white girl doesn’t get to pet a dog lmao!
I like the video, but gave you a thumbs down cuz you flashed subscribe so many times.
Ignorance is real in the U S of A
Love the first dude in the video giving the chef props lol
Close all night fat food places America is at war with America you got guns we have weeeeed
3:50 fucking cave people. She's not ready for civilization yet.
Your channel is awesome.
2:20 genius
2:24 you see me rollin, they hatiiin
1:43 she knows self defense
her lawyer did a lot to get that clip down LOL its everywhere…
7:17 is so sad the poor dog
LMAO.that lady sprayin the aresol throw a match at her LOL