Best Fails of the Week: Fails on the Road (April 2018) #765 | CCTube – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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The best collection of car video caught on Dash Cam from around the world. On this channel you will find a large selection of videos on various topics of car: idiot drivers, road rage, driving fails, close calls, instant karma, and many other collections. All pleasant viewing! Recent compilations every day!.
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Featured Playlists car theme !!!
Ultimate Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/SjS8bs
CRAZY ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/Q3RvpW
Incredible luck // CLOSE CALLS – https://goo.gl/sSQpKh
Driving Fails Compilation – https://goo.gl/XawRNA
Random acts of kindness || Humanity restored! – https://goo.gl/DyG3wW
USA ROAD RAGE – https://goo.gl/NnJE3K
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#cctube #car #roadrage #drive
Always carry a baseball bat near the driver's seat in case of road rage.
9:58 (singing) Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting…
bad intro?
i think ive been spoiled by youtube. i went into this expecting something bad to happen in every clip.
ya its good things didnt happen, and theres no justification of wanting things to happen, but when i see fails and its a video about driving i still think/expect everything will be crashes.
This just makes me want to assault someone.
@10:33 The pedestrian actually jumps over the moving debris from the accident to help the drivers…. my hero!
Yhat retarded fuck, w/ the bat, is why I carry a gun w/ enough punch yo knock down Lou Ferigno.
"O my God!", cries the atheist.
WTF is a cint?
And it was FUN FUN FUN when we were drinking!
And it was FUN FUN FUN when we were drunk!
I hope that first dude goes to jail, what an idiot, no matter what you do, you don’t deserve what that idiot did!
More Speed Come on Russian more Speed and Bigger Crash
9:45 Took me a while to figure out what "Indic ated" means.
The pussy at the start don't just cry about it do something
Dont bring a bat to a gun fight. I would shoot the motherfucker.
Carrying a gun is way more effective than a phone. Bat meets car? Person meet bullet.
Take a look at my channel for more ROAD RAGE VIDEOS
Sliiiide to the right ~ ?~ merge~ oh my!~ wow~ where we go~ ?~?~ oh no~ who can expect that? ~ ?~ pole position , wow better vids every time, thx!
Good for him at 1 minute my hero I know there was more to the storey
OMG. Will you stop showing the garbage content from "Welsh Driver". NOTHING actually happens in any of the clips from this YouTube channel, except one pick-up reversing into a car, but the rest is a super boring selection of almost hits, near misses and could have beens. Which in effect starts to make your content more boring???
Thank you sir! ?
last clip, 5 people there, and no one thinks to get the key?
5:30 a fellow weeb
@7:06 what is that music and what kind of person listens to it lul
последний видос только у нас мог произойти, 4 оленя не смогли вытащить ключ из машины, или саму изоленту выволочь за шкварняк на улицу))
The Clips from UK are unnecessary
Explain the opening in English
first to see wen i get home one or to meid it nots
to all those who create an accident and do not stop.
What is your problem? you do not assume the consequences of your bad behavior (bad weather or not). You make an accident and you continue your journey as if nothing happened.
His energy people like his
Huge thanks to the people who stopped to help people who had an accident
Damn whats that beat at the end of the video?
10:33 Dude wasted NO time after that crash! The debris hadn't even stopped flying (he jumps over some running to help) before he leaped into action!! We need more people like him in this world, ones that don't just whip out their cameras. Good for him!! ????
Edit: That last person was likely wasted so good on those men too for trying to stop them!
None of them who directly reached that last one was smart enough to simply rip the keys out of the ignition. First thing to do if you catch up to someone who bailed.
10:49 "get out of my dreams and into my car" no thanks.
The Chinese accidents normally are all the same. It's people randomly merging into the side of other people. It's almost like they don't even bother to look
how these peoples can be stupid like this…
That woman sitting in the bat mobile is a 100% knob. She doesn't do anything probably because she gets beat around by her husband.
And where is the R8? Sorry unsub for clickbait.
who finds the intro very annoying and long?
Billy Ocean ??????
welshdrive is a shit
Guy with the bat would have met my 45
If it was my car being bashed into by a bat, I would have introduced Mr. Bat to Mr. Parabellum!
And another “lovers” quarrel going on…lol
No r8
Ermagersh! That little kid falling out of the car!!!
First!! ? Daily uploads are always fresh!! Thank you!
I need to learn Russian.