Car vs Lamp Post – Idiot Drivers on Dashcam, Stupid Driving Fails Vehicles in Traffic – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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At 2:40 it sounds like he says "Ooof Too Much For You!!!"
Where ever these driver's are they should have a background check 90day waiting period before buying a car also 3week training course
Столбы .они магнитные вот и все
Ne içiyor bunlar
The humble lamp post is where the BUCK stops!! ?
Peace ✌️ out people
Head toward the light, head toward the light, – er, head away from the light!
I don't get why drivers always aim towards a lamp post or a telephone pole to crash
6:22 The driver instantly died.
I love lamppost
too many posts and Vodka.
All I learn here is that Russians as a whole cannot drive. Or….they have a much higher collection of low iq homo sapiens with licenses.
6:23 gotta be fatal, ouch
Russian driving schools teach you how to crash randomly (example at 7:53). At least, based on all the videos, that is what I assume. I can't believe that they are naturally this incompetent. Surely it takes training to reach this level?
What is it with cars and trees/lamp posts? A big space between them but no, they have home in on the pole/tree.
when the car sticks to the electric pole. means electric current going through it and it acted as a magnet
A friend of mine once said that after watching videos like these, he "felt so much more intelligent".
Russian military can't even cross the street without running into something.
I hate to sound rude but Russians are not very good drivers.
you should name your videos welcome to Russia
или столбы часто стоят или очень меткие водители
With idiot drivers like that, no wonder Germany beat the pants off them in WWII.
Light Poles Matter
Russian drivers are attracted to light poles like metal to magnets 😀
In future war just plant some poles on the battlefield and you are fine
Should rename it Wodka + Lampost
They really should stop putting poles in the middle of the roads! That is so dangerous! Someone could drive right into them!
10:07 The pole save that student's life. Also the one at 6:19 look like it would be fatal…
If they REALLY want to test out the 'driver-less vehicle' technology stuff…..THAT would be the place to do it.
2:33-Там уже венок висел?