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"You are gonna fire me aren't you"
They did
Full of emotions! GG! сatch a promo @Babic for cs:go on dropgun.me (also gives $10 )
WOOW!!! super video. pss) my promocode is @Babic for opening cases on dropgun.me. hope you'll get all you want 😉 10$ !
Opened this just to hear Reaves ?
reeves for president
Did reaves change his name to sir actionslacks? Or?
Sunsfan: Joining WAS reaves.
Reaves: You're gonna fire me, ain't you?
Well damn…
Oh god, reaves looks amazing; I never saw him till just now
ObstZwerg is german ^^
reaves reminds me of bubbles!
410011130151993 – Yad
Закиньте рублик, чуть-чуть на аркану не хватает
lol pudge and spiritbraker
Hahaha Amazing reactions by enigma
sniper in the second fail is he ross? from the yogscast?
omglookatthosecuddlystores i never noticed that
the little treant guys
Yea enigma wanna black hole the tower
4:50 lol how he pronounces ObstZwerg^^ btw thats german for "fruit dwarf" xD
Lmao at that enigma
На Энигме играл PGG 100%!
Funny how Sunsfan pronounces "ObstZwerg" by not knowing, that this is a german word. 😀
3:20 aaaaaaaaaaahahahaaaaaa
That Crystal Maiden is such a babe
im a fuckin' princess 😀