We got a call on our helpline for a puppy crying in pain. We found him in an open gutter constantly crying out. At first we couldn’t see what was wrong, but we soon found several deep wounds on his leg. We brought him back to Animal Aid’s hospital where we treated him for pain and infection, cleaned and sutured up the wounds.
Within just 2 weeks this terrified boy healed and transformed into a little love bug.
Please donate so that an animal’s cries for help will be met with help: https://www.animalaidunlimited.org/how-to-help/donate
Thank you.
I hate when animals cry or scream??? break my heart .
Kaitne besharm logo ha wo awaz da raha ha koie ni pakar raha ha ous ko
Guddu sir Guddu
Poor puppy! Thank you for saving him!
The way he was screaming ???
Every time Animal Aid posts, I always immediately click the like-Button. Cause they are heroes.
Every time Animal Aid posts, I always immediately click the like-Button. Cause they are heroes.
Every time Animal Aid posts, I always immediately click the like-Button. Cause they are heroes.
I so hate people who abuse animals, i wish all them die a slowly and very painfully.
Succes AAU barakalloh ?
His screaming was really heartbreaking ♡ ♡ ♡
Why is nobody questioning what was happened to the dog who injured him . It was obviously a human ,otherwise the dog wouldn’t have been so scared of the man at the beginning . Always the same with animal aid India. They need animal laws for all animals not only for their cows ( worshipping) .
They are just amazing thank you so much ☺ ?
Waheguru ji bless you
Quando siete bravi ad aver cura degli animali. Complimenti.
Tan chiquitos y cuanto dolor , dios mio . Benditas estos angeles humanos que ayudan a los animalitos
Thank you
blessings from PAKISTAN.
شكرا شكرا شكرا
Dogs screaming ..how pain..happy to see the puppy back to normal
This rescue made me speachless
He hurt so bad??????????????
Keep going excellent work
Que nosso Deus abencoe muito vcs fico muito feliz por ver vcs anjos da terra os anjudando viu ???
Who dislike this video is not a true man
Why do you guys have to be so far away
Aterrador e ao mesmo tempo sensacional adoro vocês que Deus os guarfde todos os dias
God always bless u ANIMAL AID TEAM for helping all the animal who suffer fron horrik pain . Thankyou soooo much for saving him and caring him ❤❤ with most respect love u guys !