The HSUS’s Animal Rescue Team works with law enforcement to investigate illegal animal cruelty. Every year we rescue thousands of animals from puppy mills, animal fighting operations, hoarders, and other situations where animals suffer from cruelty.
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It makes me cry when people do this for animals
I want that golden retriever. Makes me angry to see animals abused like this but especially Golden’s.
God bless you rescuers please do this if you see a animal some is in pain help it do not stand there help it :(care for animals everyone please♥:(
I love you guys for what you have been doing… my all good wishes and hope someday I will be a part of it… hats off
Oh bless you for saving the chickens as well. Youre Gods helpers on earth
The power of social media: to raise awareness, to get these wretched puppy mills closed down, to prosecute offenders, to find homes for animals, to publicize the work of rescue organizations, to create a strong donor base, and to get laws changed..not too bad..we support HSUS with our words of praise, AND our checkbooks. And urge others, to do whatever they can to get on board. ( Gee, I guess the 13 DISLIKERS have other things on their mind – like themselves. Hope they are happy on that moral high ground)
Love you guys ??
All of you rescuers are the good people put on earth to counteract the bad people. Coming together to save these helpless creatures touches my heart.
I am being part of it in the future
God bless human society and team for rescuing the suffering animals and shower them with lot of love and comfort you people are angels
Why do people do this to such innocent animals that just wanted care . I want to be like you guys . Love,e if you agree
God bless you and all your family members for great rescue work you carry out.the new life and comfort you give this poor suffering animals is amazing.this silent creatures of Allah cant believe that Angeles have come to rescue them form it's turn of these animals abusers to make their life a hell and they must suffer in tenfolds
all animal human good friend
super rescue team all the best and thanks
HSUS is a dreadful lying cheating company and anyone giving money to them is a total fool as 95% of the donations are for the HUGE SALARIES FOR THE CEO, CFO, FOR THE RETIREMENT FUNDS FOR ALL THE THOUSANDS EMPLOYEES LIVING THERE …. did u know this ….??? It is a fact, check it out on other sources…. they are super strong at falsely advertising how good they are …. they give only 1% of all the donations to SOME LOCAL SHELTERS, only in "some" states and some states get nothing.
Check it out please…. p l e a s e… these are no lies Viviane … give to your local shelters
I hopefully be an animal reskuer or a vet when i grow up
those jerks should all go to jail for life time and die in there as well. Thank you for rescuing all these animals. You are the best .
so touching! what is the song called in the backround?
i cried tears of joy for what you do…my dream is to volunteer when im old enough and then later work and help the animals full time
so sad ?
one day i want to join your society to help more animals and make the world a better place. for people and for animals
Good for the animals that get rescued and the people who help
Glaubt mir ich bin kein Weich Ei aber was Tierquälerei an geht blutet mein Herz
I'm working towards getting a Doctors of Veterinary Medicine and there is absolutely nothing that I would love more then becoming a veterinarian for the Humane Society. The humane society was the place where I was first truly introduced to animals while volunteering. This is incredible!
when I graduate from vet schooling I want to travel the world to help out animals in need like this. ot any animals in need actually.
I broke down when the lady was holding the dog and crying. ?
God bless this team. I can't wait till I can become a member.
1:27 those responsible for this aberration?
Danke dass es euch gibt !
I really want to adopt a dog from a shelther now! Someday when I grow up I might be like you guys
i have something and you must know it i love you qnd i love all animals too!!!
I was so sad ??
Thank you so much, to see theses animals get rescued just makes me cry.
Thank you so much HSUS for doing what you do! I've always had a love for every animal! I'm 12 but I always volunteer (4-6 days at week)at an no kill animal shelter where we rescue animals from hoarders and animals about to be euthanized. It saddens me that people can be so cruel to animals. We just had a puppy rescued with a stomach full of bones. But while after surgery it passed in his sleep. This is sadden that our world is so cruel. Thank you for rescuing the animals who don't have voices to speak out for help! We are the animals voices for help!
Thank you so much for doing what you do. I've watched so many of your videos and every time I see the animals after they are rescued, they look so happy and grateful. You make the world a better place. Thank you so much again!!
That was so sad it made me cry but I'm so happy that they get to get out of there
All people heroo,,,These guys are awesome thank you thank you .
The 8 people who disliked this have no soul. My family is looking to adopt a dog from a shelter. In Germany there is only one close to us…. oh well?
The world has had it with these hunter hating radical animal rights retards.Wayne Pacelle is a money grubbing RICO violating criminal who needs to see the inside of a prison cell.This dirtbag has bilked millions from unknowing Amerrican's doing nothing for animals just getting him and his cronies filthy rich.
This is just amazing!!! I wish earth had more people like you! I love animals and am thankful for what u guys are doing!!!
god bless u for this
Please do something about animal testing also circuses/zoos no animal deserves this
How can ANYONE dislike THIS??????
This is so amazing. So grateful for people like you guys
God Bless you all! Each and everyone of them deserves a loving, happy and healthy home!
I want to work here!!! Also what is that song lol
Im glad u saved all those animals and this made me cry of happiness that the animals are going to a nice home and will never go have that trouble again thank you ♥♥