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WOW!!! SOMONE REPLIED TO ME ABOUT my reply ABOUT MILLENIALLS . Outta here!!! Please?… no common sense of being?….. Please, no dignity? Please…. no job or something to do? Please…. I'm tired of beggin'. I'm fifty-one years old and can't believe what I'm seeing in the last days of my life. I should be able to teach youngsters, of all, to do what I've accomplished in my life, and what I have not. Instead, you all do 'this'?… WOW! seems no one will learn.
we need the dark shaker
Hello Reaves
omg that SS
that commentating at the end reaves hahahaha!
2:44 PA threw daagger at whom ? o.O
repport blood!!!! xD
Storm made me cry laughing
Commend roshan pls xD
2:32 hahahaha ftw?
I think the bloodseeker expected to get healed by the rosh :(, but creeps don't trigger his old passive.
Fucking got me so bad
roshan so fat
tree, please, i wanna be a squarl 😀
these guys are total stoners haha
Tower ftw
Drow Ranger denied herself to neutrals
Roshan best player EU!! ALL OBEY THE ROSHAN
"I feel like hes gonna have a fear of trees"
We have timbersaw for that.
you guys need to define "fail" a bit better. clock vs earthshaker was not a fail. earthshaker was dead either way. at least he tried