Day 1 of this 4-part video Chinese food tour of Yunnan. Watch it all here: https://goo.gl/QhiJUb
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Special thanks to Zouba Tours (http://www.zoubatours.com/) for arranging everything in this video. I paid for this tour (it’s not sponsored), but I think they did a great job, and I thoroughly enjoyed the food and the tour.
Luxi who was our guide also has a cooking school called Rice and Friends (http://riceandfriends.com/) – we’ll visit her cooking school on Day 3 of this series.
Ok, now onto the info about this Chinese street food tour in Yunnan:
Xizhou, China
On Day 1, we drove from Dali Old Town to Xizhou, another ancient town near Dali, that’s known for some famous Chinese street food snacks.
We started for breakfast with a thick pea porridge and a pea pudding salad. The grandmother serving had been making these same dishes since she was a child with her mother. The breakfast was warming and delicious, and it hit the spot in the morning.
Total price – 8 RMB ($1.20)
Xizhou Baba – Probably the most famous Chinese street food you have to try in Xizhou is baba, which is also sometimes known as a Chinese pizza. It’s a round of dough that’s mixed with lard and meat, or the sweet version, and baked in a unique street oven using charcoal. Part of the fun is watching it being made. Then of course, eating it is absolutely delicious.
Price – 10 RMB ($1.50) per piece
Yunnanese cheese – Next up in Xizhou we went to watch a local Yunnanese Cheese demonstration. Yunnan is one of the few places in China where there is a cheese culture – some say it was brought over with the Mongols. We made some local cheese, then put it out to dry, then they let us sample some different types of the prepared cheese. Price – 8 RMB ($1.20)
Yi He Zhuang (怡和庄) Restaurant – This Yunnanese ethnic Bai Chinese food meal was the highlight of my day. We had an absolute feast of a meal, including a few unique Chinese dishes like raw pig sashimi and pine needle salad. Everything was colorful, using natural ingredients and the flavors were spectacular. This meal is one I’ll never forget.
Total price – 215 RMB ($32.41)
Dali Old Town – It was a long day of delicious Chinese food, and in the evening we drove back to Dali Old Town and headed out for dinner.
Duan’s Kitchen – For dinner we were back in Old Town Dali, and my friend Frank from Zouba Tours mentioned that Duan’s Kitchen was a little touristy, but he said we needed to try it because the food was amazing and they are doing some unique things. The food was outstanding, and my favorite dish was the chicken braised in chili oil with pu’er tea.
Total price – 180 RMB ($27.14)
Check out Zouba Tours: http://www.zoubatours.com/
This is Day 1 of our Chinese Food in Yunnan tour. Thank you for watching, and more food coming!
MUSIC: Baby Without You – https://goo.gl/HwVjdo
***CAMERA GEAR*** I used to make this video (these are affiliate links):
Main camera: http://amzn.to/2sV0XQO
Main lens: http://amzn.to/2szLZNf
2nd lens: http://amzn.to/2wXXT8h
Microphone: http://amzn.to/2rBKD3z
Gorillapod: http://amzn.to/2rBFkkI
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Eating raw pork (or any raw meat) is just not smart. It would be wise to graciously find a way to avoid things that cause make you very sick OR WORSE. Advise from an American doctor who otherwise loves your videos.
Wish I could do Wht he dose
Was looking for Ice Cube, at the baba shop.
Pls do you ever have stomach up-set?
There's a lot Haters
And I am one of those
I wish I was in his shoes
I love The food I love the countries where he goes
Beautiful wife beautiful kid..
Good mother in law
Life is good for mark
I love his videos I love the food I just love love to eat
You go mark ???? I want you to be famous
Say hello to the family Keep sending of videos Mark have you ever been to Alaska
Chinese food is just all animal ? them eat all the animals in the world
That is a great presentation of food!
Raw pork? Careful!
Everything look so tasty!!! so glad to see you all enjoying some Delish!! food 🙂 shared @tisonlyme143
Wo xi huan Zhongguo, ye xi huan cai zhongguo, xie xie!!
You had me at Mushrooms, Love those favors ! Peace
Mark, Any chance that you will be visiting Hong Kong?
I Love Chinese food!!!!
Determined to try the pine needle salad. Anyone know where a good recipe is?
Hey marijuana and cheese sounds great on thing you need is tea
mark you are awesome we love you
So weird that Mark almost seems like a replica of Trevor James. The way they talk is so similar.
I don’t trust his Oh Oh Oh anymore
In Germany, there is a raw pork spread called Met. You spread it on broechen and top with raw sliced onions. I add a bit of Maggi sauce to mine. It's soooo lecker (yummy/delicious).
At 12:07 I couldn't stop laughing??
All of that food looks gross , I much prefer Cantonese food
Of course it helped Murrican viewers that Mark said that Yunnan is in CHINA!! LOL! He just forgot to add that it was in ASIA! But that may confuse his fellow Murricans!
hmm… they take a lot of time to become friendly. awesome video by the way.
raw pig I almost puked bro.. You are something else…
Blue I mean
All magic mushrooms are fun
That was a magic mushroom . You are going to have fun tonight
I know all the food spots
I would more than love to share my food with you
I would like to see you in Hamilton Ontario Canada
The channel should be called " Always eating Always smiling!"
你去过大理吗? 真好的地方, finally I’m staying in yunan exactaly in Dali
I don’t know but it might be a genetic thing that his stomach can withstand raw pork. Cause and any European, Middle Eastern and American would get sick as
Interesting and informative! Thanks.
beautiful lake ,bravo Dali
$1.50US for a slice of baba?. Is that the foreigner's price? The girl would dispute with the owner if so wouldn't she?
nice pot leaf in the back ground while eating that cheese
Please don't stay in China for long,
you will be faaaaat…
It seems he is too much hungry