These adorable puppies always steal milk from a cat. Even when the cat goes to feed her own babies, they follow her LOL. Those puppies and kittens are the cutest animals in the world!
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What a bad,why dogs' are drinking the milk from the cat ?…???
The cat is worry…!
Let the kittens have theirs, please.
Animals are so amazing…..
Pobrecira se le ve su carita de dolor.. Ya están grandes los perros para la gatita que esta chiquita
Y sus bbs sin leche!!! ?
I want to stomp the shit out of those puppies.
Pobre mami gata esos super cachorros son agotadores ?
0:19 кошка в ахуе
Coloca um leao p mamar em você dona
They are too big for her and small kittens. I think owners shouldn't let them terrorise poor cat.
Que estúpido ?
Бедная киса,сожрут Путята,своим котяткам,наверное,полоска не хватает.А киса терпеливая,умница.
اللهم انصر جيشنا ووحد كلمتهم اللهم ،احفظ قادة جيشنا ، اللهم مكن لهم النصر على أعداء الجزائر أللهم احفظ كامل التراب الجزائري
اللهم احقن الدماء المسلمين اللهم وحد كلمة الجزائرين على الكتاب والسنة بفهم سلف الامة?⭐???????
Мама нарасхват.Прелестно.
Poor mama cat. They will kill her ?
眼神死 撲倒只為吸奶
What a sweet little mama so selfless, hope the people that are taking care of her and the puppies are feedings the puppies on their own because they are way to big to be nursing from mama cat and she needs to feed her kittens
Im disliking the video because it not fun to see a poor cat family to suffer by those two puppies
Qué gatita MÁS buena ???
tadinha the cat can not breastfeed the puppies and the dogs do not
Não gostei!
Muita maldade, coitada.
Los animalitos son mejores que muchos humanos
Ah poor kitty ?
В итоге, эти оглоеды бедную кошечку не сожрали?
Мама думает в каво они такие.
Кошки тоже ТУПОРИЛІ ????
Esto no es un chiste, pueden lastimar a la gata, noble veo la gracia
Молодечик кошечка!?? Почему у кошки сосочки как у собаки?? Щенки с размером кошки!?? Бедная кошка. Точнее она богатая.
It doesn't take an animal expert to see that that cat felt violated by those very demanding puppies.
Извращенцы, а не собаки.
I think you should be weaning the pups by now your cat looks tried out get them some food!!
Охренели блядь!!! Вымотали кошку???
eso sí es amor
That was to adorable???
Those pups need to be given food, not drink from the mother cat. Her milk is for her kittens.
The mother's cat eyes is dead
Кошка похоже в ахуе полном
可愛い! いいね こういうこと 有るんですね!
Süß und witzig und verrückt, aber hoffe es ist nicht so stressig für die Mama
????so cuteee…
Poor cat! Cute doggies