Puppies rescued from living under a log.

Puppies rescued from living under a log.
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This is Magic, and here is her story. Magic gave birth to 6 babies – 3 boys and 3 girls. A stray dog, cold and hungry, she found the best shelter she could to give birth, in a den in the woods, under some trees for shelter. When the babies were about two weeks old, Magic went to a woman who lived nearby who had been feeding her, and led the woman into the woods to the little den where the puppies were living. The woman called Brother Wolf Animal Rescue, and this is a video of the day the BWAR volunteers arrived to bring the babies and mom to a foster home. All of the puppies have since been adopted, and as soon as the babies were weaned Magic was spayed and returned to the woman who had first found her, to be loved and cherished as part of her family.


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About the Author: Brother Wolf Animal Rescue


  1. I am so glad they were able to save the momma and her babies! I am a dog lover anyway. I love dogs to death. i would love pet her and the puppies. love my booboos.?

  2. Not saying all humans are like this..but don't get a dog if your going to fight them or just leave them to rot and die, how would you feel if someone forced you to fight someone, or just leave you in a box..while cuts get infected, I always get rescue dogs when i adopt..because those are the ones with a story..and the ones i feel like i have to repay for what these monsters did to them, its disgraceful, these kind of dogs are the ones that make me think, "what has humanity come to"

    God Bless All the people who rescue dogs, i respect you, but for people who just abandon there dogs, go rot, like you did to "your" dog, the fee to surrender your dog is £25 …But £25 goes to buying designer hand bags,

  3. the  girl  on  white and  red    could not   go   togheter     she    doesn 't  like  durty  your    clouthes     what  she  wants     from   a  dog   and  your puppys    

  4. It's a good video, but she's a stray with a collar and tag on?? and the volunteers involve 2 children, Wouldnt it be a little dangerous bringing a kid along to a stray dog? I reckon they're just a family and their dog just ran out of sight to give birth?

  5. You can tell that the dog had a past owner and was abandoned… any truly stray dog would have attacked anything that got near her pups. 

  6. Thank you So SO so MUCH for doing and shared this Incredible, loving moments.
    Its touching, its touched my heart , No more words can says. I love you guys, Thank you and blessing to your Family for always~   

  7. AWWWWWWWW!  How cute!  Poor mamma dog was worried about her little ones.  But it's obvious that she trusted everyone with them.  She knew her babies were going to be ok.  I'm glad the pups and mamma are ok!!!!

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