All of these cats and one goat were rescued from the Camp Fire. They are receiving care at UC Davis veterinary hospital. If you believe one of these animals is yours, please email ucdavisvetmed@gmail.com
Video by: Alyssa Hodenfield
READ MORE: https://www.sacbee.com/news/state/california/article221803670.html
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The rescuers and the people who cared for these beautiful cats are truly angels on this earth. God bless them and all the animals who survived that terrible day
Would love to hear any updates on these babies. Did they find their families and are they doing ok?
What about the people??
This breaks my heart. Thinking of the people and animals who couldn't get out is so horrible and these little ones hurt from their injuries and just want home or their family. If no one steps up to take them I hope they will be put up for adoption to people who can care for them. If I lived in CA I'd offer to take a couple of them. Thank you to the vets and techs that are caring for these little ones. I hope they all have a caring home waiting for them.
Thank god they were rescued.
Would be mad if the families saw them and then gave up on them cause they look different.
Any updates?
Sadly i feel a lot of these pets wont be found because maybe their pet parents perished in the fire and them also. Just heartbreaking
Por lo menos hay buenas personas gracias por rescatar los animalitos mil gracias
I pray for you all, babies. Be fighting. The world is still yours as it used to be. Love. May Buddha bless you all, always.??????❤?????
Thats so sad can't help but tear up and feel my heart break for these animals god bless these who rescued them many prayers
My heart is so sad?You all are AMAZING humans for helping these beautiful animals….I hope they are all ok and find their families or get new ones that give them the love they deserve??
Oh my god… Poor babies… ?
It is always tragic when owners willfully leave innocent animals behind. Our family would never, under any circumstances leave any of our animals. They are family.
SO heartbreaking to se all those poor babies burned like that. Wish I could hold and love and comfort them. They love to be talked to in baby talk. I will pray that God comfort them. Hurts to know so many animals are suffering with burns.
Poor babies?? so sad to see them in that state but so glad they will be on the mend…hope they are reunited with their owners or find a good home
Will their whiskers grow back?
I’m in Sacramento, if you need anything at all for these babies let me know!
How do i get my cat the second one is my cat ?
I hope U find their owners……..If not after a certain amount of time please allow them to be adopted out to good homes. They deserve a good life after everything they have been thru……….Please don't put them down unless they R in severe pain. They have already been thru so much and want to live.
My heart aches for these poor fur babies .?I sure hope they are reunited with loved ones or someone adopts and cares for them ..so traumatized ..prayers for swift and miraculous healing .
Horrible hope their owners claim them
My heart breaks for these precious fur babies! What organization can we donate to help these care givers. Praying??
Awe sweet Kitty – Kats!!!!!!
Thank you U.C. Davis Veterinary.
They are survivors.
My heart is aching as i look at the beautiful babies. Im in tears Thank you for caring for them ?
I feel like we should all adopt one of these poor cats if their owners don't come forward. Their owners could be dead and it would be horrendous for these cats to end up in a laboratory.
Jerry Brown did this to these animals and more we'll never know about!
Poor sweet babies. Thank you for what you are doing to save them. A few years ago, we experienced the same wildfire tragedy in Gatlinburg and The Univ of Tennessee Vet School did an awesome job helping with cats the same as you. You might want to post on Facebook so that more of the owners might see them. Best wishes and know that the country is praying for you all!!
God Bless all these precious animals. May the Lord bless them with finding their families or new loving homes!
How come YT videos about Animals are always backed with bluegrass music? Why can’t they use heavy metal sometimes?
I pray all of these scared, tired and injured pets find their families. Thank you UC Davis for giving them the emergency care they desperately needed!
Oh my goodness. I hope they’re claimed