WHAT’S WRONG WITH THESE WOMEN – Enjoy watching, be careful on the road!
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All these milfs. Maybe good looks doesnt work for the brain
Are these women on vodka ???
This were all caught on camera. imagine what so many kids are going through thats not being caught on camera. Also, notice their all single mothers. I'm more pissed at the fathers who aren't fighting for full custody
Sorry but all these stupid stupid parents should be locked up and never look after a child (or any animals) ever again. O M G
I was thinking human being would disapear because of climatics changes or aliens.. We won't need to wait for that, momies will do the job
Te ruskie pizdy to kurwa matki? Łeb bym im urwała… One się nadają… France
Charles Darwin 2.0
Let evolution happen.
Natural selection hard at work
What makes me more angry than theses Jay walking mothers with there children is that they think they are in the right like you have the audacity to argue with the driver that almost killed you because you reckless put you and your child in danger
Omfg!! How Stupid and ignorant can people be?.. I know there are huge insurance scams in Russia and drivers.. part of me thinks people do it with their kids, too.
There should be a mandatory IQ test before becoming a mother. These slags would have been sterilized after scoring less than 90.
Блять тупые, конченнные мамаши
Traffic is a great test of your genes. Are your offspring too stupid to live?
Aside from the stupidity of these women, do Russians understand English? I was kinda focused on the music that was playing I'm some of the cars lol
Lol. Russians. Luv em
Is it just me or do all these videos seem to take place in Russia?
In some of these clips the drivers didn’t even stop at the crosswalk
I’m so stressed out right now. So I watch these kind of complications videos on YouTube and eat a bag of jolly ranchers.
Mine mom was best, she would freak out if i don't appear on school gate after classes ove(happened once, i was just in cafeteria), she even follow me when i insisted ( found that later) that i can walk from home to school ,and back, and thats just 15 min walking (when i was kid )
Obviously there's a culture of jay walking in Russia. Here in Canada it's a $575 fine. In Russia you get run over.
These women should have their children taken from them and have their pussy stitched closed.
0:54 the women with the girl is crossing correctly for the zebra crossing And also the woman 1:06 there is a sign but there is not a zebra crossing…