Ежедневные подборки автоаварий и ДТП.
Daily collection of road accidents.
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https://youtu.be/9q5u_J6RdGI – Tanooki12
https://youtu.be/8yKUIdJM2lY – Michael Lachance
https://youtu.be/3m1dJGGadJs – Yongwei Wang
https://youtu.be/chPCeLGyqgU – MGDLM 74
https://youtu.be/JlryhDATHxs – drscooter86
https://youtu.be/wAyA_PFHLJ8 – dvs zunkfukt
https://youtu.be/H7Z9VrUTGzc – furoley
https://youtu.be/BxjDOvWsqXw – David Oulton
https://youtu.be/jnCTbWTEMqs – HOMEP2128506
https://youtu.be/5TzGSnjyppc – wtfmate
https://youtu.be/77cNsPGEfaE – DashCamCanuck
https://youtu.be/eMEskIDmBWo – Adam Kalicak
https://youtu.be/yh15GVVZYds – ChuckHs EdmontonDrivers
https://youtu.be/z7szbldbju4 – gibletoid
https://youtu.be/veTx7BvjUL4 – jspice90000
https://youtu.be/kAvHOomlDmk – RDC dash cam
https://youtu.be/poGcKlb6hPQ – Kerry Ng
https://youtu.be/H3b5q9eL3H0 – BCTrucking 379
https://youtu.be/LtM0TsSn6OE – Frank Yu
https://youtu.be/Y5i6wsFD1e8 – Alex Fridman
https://youtu.be/B5bjhqBtqZs – DachCam NewBrunswick
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93wklOTxUrQ – GTA Driver
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AekmrpZwxo – ErgisPap New Channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b38_q7bBLMc – RDC dash cam
Channel dedicated to collections of car accidents as well as various selections on car theme. All video as a teaching tool and only
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Канал посвящен подборкам автомобильных аварий а также различные подборки на авто тематику . Всё видео в качестве учебного пособия и только
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►One step before the tragedy! ❖❖❖ За шаг до трагедии!
►Restoring faith in humanity❖❖❖Восстановление веры в человечество
►Best car crash in the movie ☠☠☠ Лучшие аварии в кино
► Has overestimated myself ❖❖ Переоценил себя
☠Deep sleep❖❖Крепкий сон
☞Bikers come to the rescue ❖❖ Байкеры приходят на помощь✌
Revert back time-2 || Вернуть время вспять-2
A woman and gas station! || Женщина и заправка!
Failed! || Не прошел!
Very impolite language from some of these Canadians.
Just like Russia, except the licence plates are smaller and there is no sooka or blyet.
Never piss off a dump truck driver in Canada, they go into a rage and start smashing into anything they can find.
nice usage of someone else s video.
Last guy was on his way to celebrate 20 years without an accident…
I think that cop would be in a bit of trouble on the last one for walking out onto a highway and causing an accident.
The last one though lol
3:54 Hahahaha.
3:27 we get it, you vape
3:24 as a Canadian I can say that Canadian dump truck drivers are all like Trevor Philips. Angry, psychotic, and likely to run you off the road if they perceived that you've done something wrong.
not one video was original I've seen them all before on other channels.
А дороги какие,аж слеза по щеке!
All like in Russia)))
Great compilation!
3:52 -I'm an asshole!!! Because, that made me laugh!
HELP The Russians are invading the USA !!!
first, eh.