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In this episode, Houston SPCA Investigator Randy Farmer is called out to a trailer home out in the country. An elderly couple are said to be living in a tent because their house is overrun with cats. It requires some delicate negotiations, as the woman doesn’t want to let her cats go, but it’s clear that the situation is out of control and harming the cats’ health. Investigator Trischa Price joins forces with Deputy Constable Christine Kendrick to rescue two dogs whose owners are failing to get medical treatment for them, even though one has a serious case of mange and the other is flea-infested. And the SPCA team is called out to a dilapidated lot alongside the highway in Liberty County, where an assortment of livestock is being neglected, including two horses that are emaciated but still being ridden, as their severe saddle-sores testify. The animals are carefully nursed back to health, and the search for new homes for them begins.
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Yes! I finally figured out how to do this!
1 word…
I wish we had an SPCA in our town ;—;
The neighborhood behind were I live has a large problem with pet abandonment to the point us going out to find our cat who had managed to get loose rather than just letting it stay outside deemed us as responsible pet owners. Animals are dumped so often that most of the cats we have gotten have been strays.
i want one of the horse so bad
i want one so bad bay be a calico
Every time the cats meowed my cats went crazy lol
Wow. Great idea to feed white toast bread to the horses. Better they get the wrong thing to eat than nothing at all, right? (Irony off).
Aw, it was sad to see at the cat lady crying and so desperated… i hope she had received help as well.
There is no way in hell ima let animals run me out my own house.
1:00 everybody looks like this:????
God. Shocking.
Some owners too much monster
Why owners do like that with animals
Thank You So Much Help Animals
Ok but my chickens literally act like those cats did when I go out there with scraps or a little treat (mealworms) they have one of those 5kg feeders I fill up when it gets low so they eat what and when they want I have 6 and they are spoilt
I love cats and this is heartbreaking so much to me❤️ the kitten made me so sad! I cried all night thinking about it?❤️ when they were trying to catch the goats I laughed so hard but when he was gonna go on the road I stopped oof
Horrible horrible horrible, those poor cats.I feel absolutely hooorribleee.
Boxers do sometimes have reactions to certain seasons where they lose hair and their skin turns dark. It’s not uncommon in them.
that cat lady broke my heart….. I get that you want to help them but how can you be so blind to not see that you have a serious issue? my cats means the WORLD to me, the reason i won't adopt is because I know a 3rd kitty won't have the space he/she would need to be a happy kitty 🙁 ugh those poor babies
Leave talk radio on during the day so the cats get used to people.
can someone pls tell me
if those two dogs got adopted together
It makes my heart break because of how the horse shivers every time someone touches that really bad spot ???
You shouldn't feed your horses bread or leave halter on. But greats to see they landed a good home.
Not gonna lie that house looks nice if it was fixed had a little remodeling on the inside and outside clean up all the mess inside. Clean the look of it and paint it
My addiction to this show is getting just a little bit out of hand.
Look I love to have some cats. But that lady is outrageous! I would take care of them and LOVE them. Sheesh
Cat lady: “walks into house”
Me : “walks into the house throws up”
Is the cat lady on something
As a CPS investigator, I'm using the "3 second rule" with my families.
Hopefully the two puppies stayed together they love each other so much ??
Having a baby SHOULD NOT mean u neglect your dogs it is so easy to bring them to a shelter and find a place that will care and them for them u have no excuses to do that to a innocent dog(s)
I would keep one of them horses cause my dad made a pen for my previous pony and, near that pen is plenty of grass.
I have cats, I don’t treat them bad but if some one took them from me I would cry so much