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A fail that has been missed is there must be a rubick on the other team who has stolen Furion's ult, so a double fail
watching it in late 2015, realizing dotacinema was better before
Spectra's sword name please
i wonder why they cahnge skeleton king to wraith king
I miss skeleton king 🙁
1:37 lol thai rubrick
what is spectre holding in hands? never saw weapon like that
2:50 poor creep :/
Can't stop twitching… xD
02:54 xD
sk so angry lol
Thank got they changed double tap on prophet.
Poor creepy the creep
This reminds me of Rooster Teeth
5:00 rubick tryed to tp out …and he got canceled …you said …don't try to tp out …. but he did 🙂
6:03 hahahaha 😀
Omg i laught so hard this time xD crying while laght
hahahahahaha YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID!! STUPID! hahahahahahaha
2:20 Полина с зонтикм
im gonna kill your wife xDD
Ive never played league but i can safetly say that BECAUSE IT WAS DEVELOPED BY SOME PEOPLE WHO MADE DOTA IT SHOULD BE SIMILAR TO IT. Why can there only be one moba? Why the FUCK cant you just play one or both and leave LIKE EVERY OTHER GENRE EVER. NOT EVEN PEOPLE WHO PLAY COD ARE AS BAD AS MOBA FANBOYS.
imo lol is a lot better than dota 1/2 but as much as i hate to say it its true lol did copy dota
too much facepalms
u now that LoL stole from the original Defend of the Ancient ("Dota"),right?
thats no problem of course,but pls stop crying like a baby
these fails is not funny at all, sunsfan & reaves is. 🙂
oh look i play hon too xD