![Hippo Learns Lesson From Rhinos](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Hippo-Learns-Lesson-From-Rhinos.jpg)
Watch as two of Africa’s biggest and heaviest animals go head to head in a very rarely seen sighting. The hippo is trying his luck with the rhinos, but the rhinos have none of it.
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Mike Kirkman, Head Ranger at Mala Mala Game Reserve, took this amazing footage near the Airstrip in the Mala Mala Game Reserve. In his own words, Mike tells of this rare and interesting, albeit a bit confusing, sighting:
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“At the time it was still a very dry season in the reserve and the animals were battling with what little grass there was available. The area around the airstrip was pretty barren and I think the hippo was more curious and lonely because at the time many of the hippo had already left this area due to the drought.
In my opinion, everyone was more confused than anything else at this sighting. It’s not normal to see an interaction like this between any animal – never mind the 2nd and 3rd largest species! As always, when nature throws a curveball like this, as a guide – it is very difficult to explain.
About half of the rangers in the camp were returning from a drive and saw the animals on the way back to camp, but because of the strict rules around disclosing the locations of rhino sighting, we didn’t even announce it on the radio at all. Yet another unfortunate side effect of the rhino crisis and so in this case, many of our guests and fellow rangers were unable to witness this spectacular yet unusual interaction.
We do not normally view rhino at night, but with them being on the main route in and out of the camp it was impossible to avoid however, after a while they were left to themselves. I’m not sure what the final outcome of the interaction would have been but we never saw any injured animals afterwards so I can only assume that it ended peacefully. As you can see in the video, it is not an overly aggressive meeting, but more of confused one.
As I mentioned, I don’t think it had anything to do with food/resource disputes as we were far from the river and there was no grass on the runway to fight over – I think this hippo may have simply been lonely and bored or simply curious.
When we asked Mike how rare this sighting was for him, he responded: “I have never seen anything like this before or since.”
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It wouldn't have been an even fight if they did confront each other head on. It's true that an adult hippo would measure the same as a rhino in terms of size and bulk. But a hippo probably can't break the skin, much less do any harm to the rhino. While the rhino would just butcher the hippo by impaling it. That's assuming they're on land, of course. Hippo has a higher ground in water(ironic)
Pokémon battle!
The Rhino didnt really want to hurt the hippo, it could have skewered it anytime it wanted.
He tried eating the groceries and the rhino wasn't feeling it
This would be gold If snoop dog was narrating ?
Hippo must be plain stupid. I mean, hippos are impressive, but a rhino is another level.
Hippo – "get in my mouth!"
The hippo was trolling the rhinos and nothing more. No lesson learnt.
Kinda feels like the hippo wanted to smash…naughty hippo
That thicc boi is annoying af
Try to eat me out? How about you suck my horn!
That rhino like nah boi u was poppin all that shit a minute ago bring that ass here boi!!! Lmao
You have a weird dog and a cat
these fat fuckers are fast as fuck holy shit.
Hippos are the bullies who talk a lot of shit and rhinos are the bigger bullies to remind the little bullies that they ain’t hot shit ?
Hippo: no u
You really wanna fuck with a 5 thousand pound armour plated unicorn??
Hippo: *comes back with it's momma
The Hippo is tasting that rhino horn to get a little excited lol I hear the Asian people are getting Rihnos horns to use it as Viagra im not sure if its true but i won't be surprise.
It protecc
It attacc
But most importantly
It has rino horns in is butt
Thanks CHina for killing these beautiful Rhinos ? for “Traditional Chinese Medicine”
Other Hippos to returning teenage hippo:
"Why do you have rhino shit one your upper lip?"
Young hippo: "I was looking for love in all the wrong places!"
They just want to cross breed
aeh … le rhino pourquoi j'ai pas une bonne corne comme la tienne !
parce que t un lâche et t pas un guerrier comme moi !
et moi l'hippo pourquoi j'ai pas des grosse dents comme les tiennes !
parce que t pas un bon bouffeur comme moi !
They actually cute
I never knew hippos could run that fast. At a full sprint I don’t think I could out run that hippo.
Hippos are assholes