Mom Bernese Mountain Dog Giving Birth To Many Cute Puppies- Life Of Dog Breed

Mom Bernese Mountain Dog Giving Birth To Many Cute Puppies- Life Of Dog Breed
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The Bernese Mountain Dogis a large-sized breed of dog, one of the four breeds of Sennenhund-type dogs from the Swiss Alps.
The Bernese Mountain Dog is an extremely versatile working dog from the farmlands of Switzerland. He was developed to herd cattle, pull carts, and be a watchdog and loyal companion. He is one of four types of Swiss Mountain Dogs, and the only one with long hair. The Bernese Mountain Dog comes from the canton of Bern, hence his name. He’s a large and sturdy dog breed, with a friendly and calm disposition, and he’s well suited to conformation, obedience, tracking, herding, and carting competitions.
Berners have numerous health problems due to their small genetic foundation, and perhaps due to other reasons yet undiscovered. Currently, the life span of a Bernese Mountain Dog is comparatively short, about six to eight years.
If you like cute puppies and mom dog, than this is the channel for you. Enjoy.
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About the Author: Story Animal Giving Birth


  1. What a beautiful Bermes Moutain Dog puppies so cute yes she is good mommy. I like how you kept everything clean for her. She. loves you and thanked you. Also liked how you changed that song momma will catch them when they fall. Beautiful video. Now you need to keep them all

  2. (4:41, 7:25) is not a Bernese Mountain dog, but a Appenzeller Sennenhund or Greater Swiss Mountain. You can see the short fur with same colours in movie.
    Besides, nice movie, i love Bernese dogs (including Fofa, my bernese mountain dog).

  3. Those were not all Bernese…. because some of them looked like Greater Swiss Mountain dogs starting at 7:13. They are close cousins but a different breed with a short flat coat.

  4. fantastica… che meraviglia di cucciolotti perfetti e col pelo lucidissimo…… come si chiama la mamma papa…….. auguri alla famigliola…….

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