Ginger was so scared when she was first rescued from Michael Vick’s dog fighting ring. With the help of her new mom she was able to break out of her shell and become the most loving dog in the world.
For more of Ginger and her adventures, you can follow her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SweetGingerGirl/), and Instagram: https://thedo.do/gingergirl.
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That dirtbag. Just seeing his name turns my stomach.
Michael Vick should've been burned at the stake. =/
Sighhh…..why could not you just say dog fighting ring…who cares if it is him..I wonder has any other person been called out too…he served his time…
That Ginger!!! Aint she a cutie pie!!
IDK if I was the president they would be SENT TO DEATH.
We should euthanise dogfighters
I don't care where you are from, rich, poor, black, white.. dog fighting? No excuses, it's an absolute no no. This person brought Ginger back to life, kudo's for this good (new) owner! 🙂
Good wrk
People should get organized to actually kill such people. Like a dark net forum, or something,. With hackers and people in the area of these scums. The fact they are rich protects them from actual justice. This world needs REAL justice.
??????????from Brasil
Michael Vick just got another dog. I have no idea who the hell gave it to the bastard but I hope both him and whoever gave it burn in hell
Os cães não são problemáticos mas os donos sim; não se preocupem com os cães mas sim com as mentes retorcidas dos donos!!!
Vick is a horrible. He can choke on his money along with his soulless supporters. Shame on you!
Ohh sweetheart….
Rescued dog always look happy and act so happy that theyare rescued???
Michael Vick,nasty evil nigga.
There's a special kind of hell waiting the 140 people that disliked this video.
I mean, what kind of sick disgusting person would hit the dislike button on this video?
November 2007 was that month and year I was born!
Dog fighting is cruel… what human would like to watch it!?
Okay, this is weird…I have a coach and we call him…..
Coach Goober
One of the most horrible things I have ever heard…”eventually, she learned to like food,” I cannot begin to imagine what her world was like
I just learned about Vick yesterday in one of my special classes at school, cause these two kids started talking about it. I was absolutely LIVID when i heard that this dude went to jail, THEN WAS ALLOWED TO GO BACK TO HIS JOB ONCE HE GOT OUT. I just….. cant understand…..
I don't understand how anyone can click thumbs down for this great story.
Mike Vick didn’t dog fight. People Mike Vick were ASSOCIATED with were dog fighting.
Omg I was born on November 2007
that is straight up scrappy doo right there.
Every dog deserves a chance. Michael Vick sure as hell doesn't..
Pfft look at us humans haha
Letting dogs fight hahaha
Watching and thinking its alright hahaha ooh my hahhaha
Oh Jesus Lord say animal have no soul hahaha
What about you haha
“Pit bulls are aggressive”
This is in response to Hillary LeFrere Jr. – It is exactly like that, that is how these sick jerk's start out. They start by torturing animals that just want to please there owners then when that becomes less of a thrill they graduate to torturing, molesting & killing children and women. He should be forever band from any and all sports & all of the monies that he made (and a hefty percentage of his coworker pal's) that he made during his/their dog fighting rein of terror should go to the people & organizations that took & cared for the dog's as well as cleaned up after the “Bad Newz Kennels" once it was shut down. Try doing some research in a library some time; you might be surprised at what you learn.
ALL ANIMAL ABUSERS, POACHERS, TROPHY Hunters, Animal Testing Laboratories, et al regardless of age, mental illness, race, IQ, etc, position such as cop, judges, legislators, shelter employees, as well as poachers, trophy hunters govt officials like zinke the moron trump sons, government enablers at all levels, MUST FACE ONLY 1 SENTENCE EXECUTION IN THE SAME MANNER THEY HARMED AND KILLED THE ANIMAL.
Guess what… my dad doesn’t let me pet a dog ?
You are like peta but actually good
This is AWFUL Dog's were created to be our compainion and friends, family members !
She is loveable
It's sort of interesting to note that Michael Vick being black, given the slave history of his people that any one would do this to a dog. Where is their empathy, their compassion?
oh my gosh, this is so like what we have been going through. I adopted my first dog ever when I was 60. A "pitmix" who I don't think had ever been allowed to just be a dog. She was scared of everything and her foster mom said she didn't like toys. We have had her for a little over 2 years now and it has taken that long for her to come out of her shell and play with toys and just be a dog. She was afraid of everything at first. She has never rolled over fully and it took a year before she would bare her belly to us but she has yet to do a full on rollover. I know she'll get there. She'll walk into the kitchen now, before she was so scared of drawers opening, doors opening and any noise would make her jump out of her skin. You could not hug her, that felt too confining to her but she is over that now. for anyone who ever rescues this breed and brings them home, please….. BE PATIENT with them. They are amazing animals with such heart if you give them a chance. I've heard stories of people adopting, then a couple of days later taking them back. They never give them a chance. These dogs have most likely gone through hell. They need time and love and patience. The rewards are so worth it.
this video made me cry happy tears… the world needs more people like this ❤️
Looking at each dog individually is probably one of the best ways to get over fear of dogs. Surely the physical makeup of the dog won't matter once if you take care of it as an individual and not as the way the stereotype says to. You just get more stereotype and less individual good dogs if you do it that way.
Much respect to you ma'am. Thank you for saving her.?
Yes the fact that he now helps animals/dogs (if that’s even true, I always take what I read on the internet with a grain of salt cause you never really know what’s true or not) is good and the absolute least he could do is spend every day helping animals INSTEAD of becoming (I think anyway) the coach to make more money for his POS selfish life!!! BUT he’s still a POS and doesn’t deserve ANY happiness in his life!!!! Everything positive he’s done since then is the least he could do!!!! Even IF he spends the rest of his small pathetic POS life helping animals/dogs still DOESN’T make up for what he did!!!! I hope this negativity follows him around for the rest of his life and is reminded of his shitty-ness EVERY SINGLE DAY!! He deserves all that at the very least!!! NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING he could ever do will make up for what’s he done, PERIOD!!! Also I say this about ALL animal abusers not just the POS that is Michael Vick!!!! I know this seems harsh or mean but I’ve seen dog fighting victims up close and abused animals up close and it’s something you can NEVER forget, something that takes years and years to help them move past it and even then sometimes it’s not possible!!! The physical and mental toll it takes on them is utterly unimaginable!!!! It’s incredibly hard to rehabilitate them!!!! Remember ppl treat animals the way you want to be treated!!!! Be safe and well love everyone!!!
Just awesome! ❤
I hate Michael Vick’s guts. Thank you Pittie Nation for leaving no one behind ❤️
U started fostering her a few months after I was born xD
Wonderful! Wonderful news! Thank you for taking time to understand and love ?
Dog fighting is wrong. People who enjoy that is sick in the head!!! Absolutely disgusting. ??
Lol she's a goober
I hate how people think that making dogs fight itch other is ok ? all dogs are adorable and should never have to go through something like that.