Little Boy Born With A Cleft Palate Fell In Love With A Foster Puppy With The Same Cleft Palate And Together They Are Fostering Puppies
Keep up with this family and their foster puppies on Instagram: https://thedo.do/kelsayer. Special thanks to the Cleft Pup Brigade: http://facebook.com/cleftpupbrigade.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
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Why does this video have 33 dislikes?! ?
Perfect pair! Love their special call to each other! ?????
I never thought a kid could understand an animal but he has proved me wrong
This is the best thing!! I’m getting a dog next year ! We’re going to the shelter and adopting the dog that was there for the longest !! I CANT WAIT I NEED A DOG SO BAD! To love and care for and OF COURSE PLAY WITH!!
They both also have scary red eyes!
Landon, you and your family and all the dogs are so lucky!
Encore une belle et tendre histoire d'amour et d'amitié entre ce garçon et ce chien qui ont le même handicap. Ils ont de quoi ce comprendre et s'aimer ???. Merci The Dodo pour ce beau partage ??.
wow!!! that dog is amazing!
does anyone know what breed that dog is?
So sweet!What a lovely boy!He and the dog are too cute!
Made for each other! Love that Story! Landon and Bogie are inspiring!
Heartmelting <3
Dodo…you are my favorite go to site for feel good heartwarming stories.
Please don't ever stop! ?
I think every dog is cute
Both are so precious. These relationships I think are honestly the most precious of them all.
I was born with a clef palate. One day I hope to rescue a clef palate puppy!
The boy has so tired, but beautiful eyes)))
They are both adorable!!
You need to know you are beautiful just the way you are. Isn’t it a coincidence that you found each other. Now let me tell you what a coincidence is, it is where God chases to remain anonymous. Thank you so much for sharing your life with me.
How special this little boy and dog are. Blessings to their family. ❤?
Help my heart is melting
Ugly kid
What a great mom to make a decision that would bring joy to both lives.
Beautiful story
Too precious! Thank you for sharing!
This. is a beautiful. friend ship
Muy bonita historia muchas gracias por compartirla!
really beautiful
This is too cute ?? ?
It's all cute until these damn ads get on my nerves ?????
Tesoro queste creature innocenti ché ami tanto sono come te belli è come te amili tanto x loro ti danno tanto amore ciao tesoro lina con amore
What is backpack kid doing here??
Wow. What a wonderful duo ?