Please donate $5 and help us save more animals like Tweedy:
Thank you L.A Animal Rescue for fostering her and helping her
heal. Tweedy is now ready for her forever home! To apply to adopt her, please contact: http://www.LAAnimalRescue.org
#HopeForPaws #DogRescue #DogVideos
Thank you for caring and not giving up on her. ??? that was a complicated rescue.
I am sorry I appreciate that you rescued the dog but it was painful to watch! It the most poorly executed Rescue I’ve ever seen. You rushed into everything he chased after a dog with hyper voices instead of calm soothing patient energy. You frighten the shit out of her and then you put your hand above its head and try to pet it when it’s absolutely terrified of you? Dog rescue 101 i don’t put your hand above a dog’s head that you don’t even know the dog may Have been hit in the past and may think you’re going to hit it. why would you risk your own safety and the dogs? Slow down!
Why do people breed dogs that pass on painful conditions? Eye lid issues with this breed and breathing issues with pugs, frenchies, etc! How horrible are we to breed for looks and not health!? Then to top it off, leave them in the streets!
Broke my heart to see her so distressed, poor baby I'm glad she's better now.
Lady hero’s!
theres this dog where i live and he,she is alone in his,hers. house cuz herhis, owner died? and the dog is soo skinny and looks soo sad ;****( i want too help but i cant idk how ??? im from philippines i wish they will see this comment ,
filipino dogs are agressive
soo yah, i hope you guys will visit phil- and help me help this poor doggie ;*( also the dog is in a cage and theres also chickens in there yeard there in a cage two soo they cant fly away and the dog in the other cage at there yard
i hope i made sence ik badgrammer …
녀석 구조해주려고 그려는데 놀랬지 아가야 예쁜녀석 건강한 모습보니 넘좋다 늘 건강하게 늘 행복하럼
Does Lisa comes with the dog?
Thank you people???
اننم والكلب كلكم نجسين
Very sweet dogy
One mor tme this video showed that there is no any life threating dog, the way you approach them shapes their future characters. This dog was almost biting the rescue girl in the face but later she was licking her face…Ppl should get their lessons from this video. You love animals, you love humans..
Love from Turkey…
Lots of Blood
Los animales no son juguetes,si vas a tener uno hacelo con respon sabilidad;porque ellos sienten co mo tus hijos!
Nice girls
Sizi seviyorum
Franchement faut qu'elle change ça manière d'aides . Elle et pas faites pour ce métier. J'aime pas ça manière de faire la pauvre bête et encore plus terrorisée et résultat elle saigne. Ces juste pour passer sûre youtube… Nul elle c'est pas faire en plus la pauvre chienne se débat sur des gros cailloux bien tranchant , les coussinets de la chienne devait être dans un salle état… Bref s'il vous plaît madame changez votre façon de faire ou arrêté ce métier… Merci…. Prennez exemple sur votre collègue le monsieur ce débrouille très bien félicitations à lui par contre vous NUL, NUL, NUL, NUL, NUL, ……..
Oi sou Sandra de são Paulo Brasil amo ver os vídeos da LORETA e as LISAS e esse RAPAZ que fica com láureta veio ao mundo para ser amado por esses anjinhos porque os anjinhos chegam perto dele e já ficam calmo PARABÉNS RAPAZ você tem uma missão dada por Deus e é muito abençoado por Deus bjos e.
Uma história mais linda q a outra
Gente q da dislike não são humanos
Amo os animais e quero fazer uma ONG tbm um dia
Eldad and loreta are the best .But even Lisa and JoAnn did a great job.
These girls has no skills at all, they put themselves in a very dangeroues position and in addition they are brutal. Girls, try to do something else, for example rescue some wild boys.
Wasn't a great rescue, should have brought food and water and showed that you want to help her, her biting through the bars shows she feared for her life. But it worked out in the end which is what matters.
Maybe this dog doesn’t want to be domesticated.
God bless you
Why am always crying everytime I see videos like these rescuing animals ?anyways these guys are absolutely amazing,thank you so much ,may God bless you ,please save more
Espero que lo cuiden mucho
Eldad is much better
Now they are the type of women you want to marry…. Well done great work ☺ ?
Brave woman..GBU all
Q trabalho lindo parabéns ????
Hicieron que sangrara el perro.
Dios las bendiga siempre
Shout out to the guy who helped them
Meus parabéns vocês tem muito coragem e determinação e mais ainda corações bons .???
Bravissimi vi stimo tantissimo avete un coraggio da supereroi chi la pensa come me mette like al commento e al video
Certo è che se le urlano così, la fanno impaurire ancora di più ?
Ela está super feliz??
Que Amor!? obrigada por existirem belo trabalho?