Howl Of A Dog rescuers found this homeless dog on side of a busy road and saved him right before a heavy rain storm. Please watch the rescue video of this sweet dog and help us find an adoptive family.
Mowgli is around 7-8 yrs old, but when he’s playing it feels almost like he’s just a small puppy, he’s such a funny little guy! He loves to go for walks and play with toys, but what he loves most is to take long naps in his comfy bed. More details about Mowgli are available here: https://www.howlofadog.org/mowgli/
He is in our care in Romania, but can also be adopted internationally to the US, Canada and Europe.
(additional details about the adoption process can be found here: https://www.howlofadog.org/adoption-procedure/ ). If you can offer him a loving home, please email us at contact@howlofadog.org . Thank you!
To help us save more animals please visit: https://www.howlofadog.org/make-a-don…
Website: https://www.howlofadog.org/
Donate: https://www.howlofadog.org/make-a-don…
Email: contact@howlofadog.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HowlOfADog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HowlOfADog
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howlofadog
#HowlOfADog #DogRescue #AnimalRescue
Howl Of A Dog is a small nonprofit animal rescue organization located in Romania. Our commitment is to rescue abandoned, neglected and abused dogs from the streets or from overcrowded public shelters and to find them suitable loving forever homes.
HOWL OF A DOG organization
Registration Number 33570458
Hi friends! Please help us share the video of Mowgli so that he can find a loving adoptive family! Thank you so much! ❤️ http://www.HowlOfADog.org
You guys are amazing. Total respect and love to you.
Wow he is a beutiful little dog and now he is happy too…You put the video together very nicely. Thanks for sharing his story
Thank you♡♡♡♡
Happi boye
I couldn't imagine what could happen to the dog when it wasn't save.
Thank you, you guys are the best.
Im crying at school help
God bless you for your beautiful heart.???
God bless you for saving that dog!!
Share the video….
He only what's eat… thanks you….
Omg were the rescuers romanians ?? It’s so amazing to see people from my country help dogs. No offense to anyone , i just see a lot of romanians here that abuse dogs or just ignore them :/ Much respect to you guys ❤️?
Mowgli has a gold mine of treats!
Poor baby scarfs that wet food down like hes never gonna see food again.
it makes me happy to see him get saved. I am sad tho, that you are not or cannot keep him. He seems so happy. In January, I had to put my 14 year old dachshund down that I had raised from a puppy. It continues to be the most heartbreaking thing I have yet to experience. and 6 months later, it still hurts worse than ever. Ever since he passed, any time I see something like this, or see pics from all of the rescue places I follow on Facebook, I just start bawling. It hurts to see all of the mistreated, unwanted dogs out there, and it hurts to be reminded of my boy that I will never get to snuggle up to again, or smooch on, or see his tail wag. My current situation in life doesn't allow me to have a dog, but I want to rescue one so badly. I need to be rescued as much as all of the poor dogs out there….I dont mean to make this about me. I love dogs, and ever since mine passed, I love them so much more.
Oh god this dog is so cute ????❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for for saving him ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️??????
Thanks sir to adopt him and God bless you
Spirit of a young sweet pup forsure
God bless you, you could see in his eyes that he was asking for help. Lovely to see, thank you
A dog is the only one who will be happy and excited to see you any time any day. 2am in the morning coming home from work and your dog will be right at the door waiting for you.
Trust means everything in nature and in life in general.
or any dogs that need a home
So beautiful. Did u find home for him. Ill take him. I live in the usa mass
I have a home for mowgi America Wisconsin Madison weabusa avanu 2969 not on Sunday not Friday or Saturday
You ppl are amazing please share all of these videos to me. I find homes for animals all the time. God bless all of you
❤️thank you…
I hate ppl sometimes. This is a breathing dog. I wouldnt even throw my plants away. Poor baby
У меня тоже был такой пёс,всю еду закапывать любил
Ammmm is so cute , bless . Is very nice I’d like to have him .
Gratidão gratidão gratidão por salvar a vida desse anjinho que estava abandonado e sofrendo vocês são demais que Deus os abençoe muito infinitamente valeu mesmo.