Watch this brave little wolf dog puppy find her place in a rescued pack!
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You can keep up with Ryder’s journey with her pack by checking out Apex Protection Project on Instagram: https://thedo.do/apex. You can also support wolfdogs like Ryder here: https://thedo.do/apexsupport.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
#thedodo #animals #dog #cat #kitten #puppy
They are so cute
omg they are soo cute!!!! :DDD
Did you get the mama wolf
Omg I love wolves so much and dogs!!!!
You are wonderful!
I wanna go meet Taboo and Ryder!
This is truly uplifting, and breathtaking to see. Thank you so very much for sharing. The pure intelligence and emotion in Ryder's eyes, and in the eyes of the other "pack" members conveys so much. Even in a slight glance, you can see the joy and flight of all the good that has been done for her, and in what good she exerts today onto others. Thank you again for sharing such a moving, and fascinating story.
HM 😐
You didn’t save the wolfs but stole them from the mother and couldn’t left them peacefully
Those babies are soooo adorable. I want one so I can spoil it rotten.
I have raised and loved several wolf dogs…they give special love and they taught me so much!
If you call your animals Thor and Loki, you have all my respect
I want a wolfdog now.
Wow! All your dogs are stunning. So beautiful
What a gorgeous animal!
What happened to the other pups and their mother? If one has parvo, usually all have it (unless vaccinated).
Beautiful, beautiful animals!❤❤❤❤
Rider should be ringo because of the rings around her eyes
I was watching this on my iPad when my own rescue dog came up on the couch and WATCHED it with me ❤️ he knows
“Don’t you bring home a puppy!” -Famous last words??
I must run into the freezer right now, my heart melted!
Omg!!! What a beautiful and moving story! God bless the Apex team for their selfless acts of kindness and saving these wolves/wolf dogs.
Amazing, such a good story, thanks.
Wolf dogs are beautiful. Especially the masked ones. I hope to get one some day.
This is so beautiful it made me tear up❤❤❤❤
Am I the only one who tested up when they showed the wolf doggos. I dunno why I tested up I just rlly like wolves <3 ;-;
Wtf I want a wolf puppy!
How much is a wolf Wolf I really wanna have one can you please send me one
such beautiful animals, wolves and hybrids have and always will be my favourite, i myself have had German shepherds in the past but i now how a Siberian husky, but i must admit i would love a hybrid wolf but due to lack of knowledge with the breed i will never own one as i don't think it would be right to the animal to have an inexperienced owner such as myself, well done to this rescue organisation for all the great hard work that you do
I love how they named there dogs thor and loki
Ryder is giving me character makeup ideaaaaas
I'm so happy she survived parvo ;w; a while ago Parvo struck our house and our puppy died… i'm so happy that she was able to make it through that horrible virus !
Beautiful animals. I want one.
I rescued a wolf puppy called Kota and she is the naughtiest thing ever but she is sooooo cute
Proof God exists
Wich virus did she have because I hat five puppy's an one died of parvovirus
I wish I could work with the people that care for them, I've always loved wolves and dogs.
Those puppies are GORGEOUS!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️???????
Lindos. Valem a preservação.
Last guardian
I absolutely love that circles around eyes ??
You keep saying you "rescued" this puppy, but all I can see is that you took it away from it's mom
Oh my god how did I know this was going to be here in Palmdale?? I wanna meet Ryder (the other dogs too)
Also damn, Riggs is a beautiful looking animal.